
409 Resources

California’s Next Million Acre-Feet: Saving Water, Energy, and Money

September 26, 2010 | publication

California’s growing communities and industries require an adequate supply of clean water to thrive into the future. This report suggests that action is immediately needed to reduce the growing tensions over California’s water resources and to address the state’s persistent water supply challenges.

Op-Ed: Moving Forward on Water

September 12, 2010 | publication

Now that California lawmakers have pulled an $11 billion water bond measure off the November ballot, California is facing new questions about how to fix our long standing water problems.

Support for SB 51

September 10, 2010 | publication

This letter to Cailfornia Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger from the Pacific Institute, Defenders of Wildlife, Audubon California, Sierra Club California, the California Outdoor Heritage Alliance, and the Planning and Conservation League expresses support for SB 51.

How Much Will We Use? Forecasting Urban Water Use in California with Changing Climate, Demographics, and Technology

August 26, 2010 | publication

Global climate change is clearly acknowledged to pose risks to California’s water, though the focus has primarily been on water supply-side changes (e.g. decreased snowpack

The Concept of Peak Water

August 21, 2010 | publication

Increasing competition for resources across the globe reveals the finite nature of the resources that fuel our societies.

Comments on SBx7-7 Urban Technical Methodologies

August 15, 2010 | publication

This letter to the California Department of Water Resources, Division of Statewide Integrated Water Management, Water Use and Efficiency Branch contains comments from Heather Cooley of the Pacific Institute on the public review draft of the SBx7-7 urban technical methodologies.

Pacific Institute Analyzes the 2010 California Water Bond

August 12, 2010 | publication

At the end of 2009, a series of water-related bills was passed by the California Legislature, with the intent of moving the state out of decades of gridlock over water resource management...

Comments on Public Review Draft of the SBx7-7 Urban Technical Methodologies

August 5, 2010 | publication

This letter to the California Department of Water Resources, Division of Statewide Integrated Water Management, Water Use and Efficiency Branch from Heather Cooley of the Pacific Institute contains comments on the public review draft of the SBx7-7 urban technical methodologies.

Framework for Responsible Business Engagement with Water Policy

June 22, 2010 | publication

Access to water is an important strategic concern for many companies, but increased threats to the supply, quality, and reliability of global water resources add substantial pressure.

Comments on SBx7-7 Urban Technical Methodologies

June 7, 2010 | publication

This letter to the Department of Water Resources, Division of Statewide Integrated Water Management, Water Use and Efficiency Branch from Heather Cooley of the Pacific Institute contains comments on SBx7-7 urban technical methodologies.

Peak Water Limits to Freshwater Withdrawal and Use

May 24, 2010 | publication

This journal article, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), defines the concept of “peak water,” posturing that water withdrawal for human needs will follow a similar trend to that of peak oil.

Water: Facts, Trends, Threats, and Solutions

May 23, 2010 | publication

Global warming will likely change rainfall and runoff patterns and seriously impact our water supplies both in the United States and abroad. Meanwhile, 1.2 billion people in the developing world still don’t have access to clean drinking water, and pressure from pollution, wetland destruction, and climate change is threatening to make this worse.

Bottled and Sold: The Story Behind Our Obsession with Bottled Water

April 17, 2010 | publication

Bottled and Sold explores the trajectory of water from a free natural resource to one of the most successful commercial products of the last one hundred years.

Corporate Water Accounting: An Analysis of Methods and Tools for Measuring Water Use and Its Impact

April 9, 2010 | publication

Concerns around growing water scarcity, degraded ecosystem function, and the implications of climate change have led to the emergence of water as a strategic concern for companies around the world.

California Farm Water Success Stories

March 25, 2010 | publication

California’s agricultural industry is a lynchpin of the state’s economy. But the effects of climate change, as well as pressures such as population growth, have significant impacts on water supply, raising concerns about water management in the agricultural sector. This series of case studies and interviews describes the practices of innovative California farm water managers.

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