
Join us as we discuss solutions to the world’s most pressing water challenges.

Upcoming Events

September 23-25, 2024 | 79th Session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA)

Join the CEO Water Mandate and Water Resilience Coalition in New York City between September 23-25 to find out more about the contributions the private sector is making to achieve net positive water impact in 100 priority basins globally.

The CEO Water Mandate is an initiative of the United Nations Global Compact and the Pacific Institute that works to mobilize a critical mass of business leaders to address global water challenges. This is achieved through corporate water stewardship in partnership with the United Nations, governments, civil society, and other stakeholders.

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September 26, 2024 | WaterSmart Innovations 2024

Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Dr. Bruk Berhanu will be featured at the WaterSmart Innovations 2024 in Las vegas, NV.

His presentations will focus on “Untapped Potential: A National Assessment of the Potential for Urban Water Efficiency,” and “Reimagining Albuquerque’s Landscapes: Non-Functional Turf Transformation – Geospatial Analysis.”

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October 18-19, 2024 | Salton Sea Summit

Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Michael Cohen will be featured at the Salton Sea Summit in Palm Desert, CA.

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Past Events

September 25, 2024 | 10th GEF Biennial International Waters Conference

Pacific Institute Research Associate Giuliana Chaves Moreira presented at the 10th GEF Biennial International Waters Conference (IWC10) in Punta Del Este, Uruguay.

Her presentation focused on “How to leverage NBS to enhance synergies and scalability for Transboundary Water Resilience?”

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August 27-29, 2024 | StormCon 2024

Pacific Institute Senior Researchers Dr. Bruk Berhanu and Shannon Spurlock presented at StormCon in Reno, NV.

Their sessions focused on recent Pacific Institute research that finds an untapped potential for stormwater in the US and methods for integrating stormwater capture into water supply plans.

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August 25-29, 2024 | Stockholm World Water Week

This year, under the theme “Bridging Borders: Water for a Peaceful and Sustainable Future,” the Pacific Institute catalyzed critical discussions and drove innovative solutions to some of the most pressing water-related challenges. 

Our involvement this year spanned an extensive array of vital topics. We are deeply engaged in advancing discussions on enhancing water resilience through data to support peace and security, scaling nature-based solutions, and promoting business action for sustainable water management.

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August 22, 2024 | Webinar on Untapped Potential of Stormwater Capture

Pacific Institute Director of Research Heather Cooley and Senior Researchers Dr. Bruk Berhanu and Shannon Spurlock featured in the webinar, “Realizing the Untapped Potential for Stormwater Capture and Reuse Across the U.S.”

Co-hosted with the National Municipal Stormwater Alliance and the WateReuse Association, participants learned about the national landscape and potential opportunities to advance stormwater capture and use.

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August 11, 2024 | International Water Association World Water Congress

Pacific Institute Senior Fellow and Co-Founder Dr. Peter Gleick gave a keynote address at the International Water Association World Water Congress & Exhibition in Toronto, Canada.

His talk shared insights on the Past, Present, and Future of Water.

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August 8, 2024 | 2024 Alliance for Water Efficiency Symposium

Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Dr. Bruk Berhanu presented at the annual Alliance for Water Efficiency Annual Symposium in Chicago, Illinois.

His session, “Untapped Potential: A National Assessment of the Potential for Urban Water Efficiency” highlighted a recent Pacific Institute report that found U.S. urban areas collectively have the potential to generate 59.5 million acre-feet of stormwater annually, on average.

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July 29, 2024 | WateReuse Arizona Symposium

Pacific Institute Senior Researcher of Public Policy & Practice Uptake Shannon Spurlock presented at the WateReuse Arizona Symposium. Her session, “Fostering Leadership and Collaboration to Scale Regional Water Reuse Solutions,” was co-convened with Rick Warner from Jacobs, John Kmiec from Tucson Water, and Troy Hayes from the City of Phoenix. 

Her session, “Fostering Leadership and Collaboration to Scale Regional Water Reuse Solutions,” will take place on July 29. This session is co-convened with Rick Warner from Jacobs, John Kmiec from Tucson Water, and Troy Hayes from the City of Phoenix.

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June 24, 2024 | National Academy of Sciences Workshop

Pacific Institute Senior Fellow and Co-Founder Dr. Peter Gleick gave the opening keynote at the National Academy of Sciences workshop in Irvine, California.

His keynote addressed “Learning Resilience – Lessons for Managing Transboundary Water Resource Vulnerabilities in Central Asia.”

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June 11-12, 2024 | American Water Works Association’s ACE24

Pacific Institute Senior Fellow and Co-Founder Dr. Peter Gleick and Senior Researchers Michael Cohen and Dr. Sonali Abraham were featured at the American Water Works Association’s ACE24 in Anaheim, California.

Cohen’s session, “Saving the Oasis: Strategies for a Resilient Colorado River” highlighted strategies for a resilient Colorado River. Dr. Abraham’s session “Saving Water in Affordable Housing, One Leaky Toilet at a Time” featured a recent Pacific Institute case study. Dr. Gleick gave the keynote address, “Water 2050 Ideas into Action: Creating our Water 2050 Future.”

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June 5-6, 2024 | AWS Global Water Stewardship Forum 2024

Pacific Institute team members were featured at the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) Global Water Forum 2024 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Teammates Cheryl HicksAndre Villaca RamalhoDr. Gregg Brill, and Todd Player spoke on WASH initiatives, water stewardship, and collective action. 

The forum is a gathering of community members, implementers, and stakeholders to share knowledge and learning on the evolution of water stewardship practice. 

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June 2024 | United Nations Global Compact Academy Session

Pacific Institute Senior Researchers Dr. Gregg Brill and Dr. Ashok Chapagain hosted the UN Academy sessions, “Understanding Water Resilience to Safeguard and Advance Business.”

These sessions provided a high-level overview of the concept of water resilience as well as an introduction to practical guidance to understanding a company’s water risk.

May 22, 2024 | 10th World Water Forum

Pacific Institute President and Head of the CEO Water Mandate Jason Morrison spoke at the 10th World Water Forum’s Executive Roundtable Dialogue in Bali, Indonesia.

“Flowing Forward Faster: Best Practices in Corporate Water Stewardship” explored innovative strategies, impactful initiatives, and real-world case studies that demonstrate effective corporate water management and water sustainability efforts from the CEO Water Mandate. The event was hosted by the Indonesia Global Compact Network .

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May 7-9, 2024 | U.S. WASH Convening 

On May 8, Pacific Institute Water and Climate Equity team members Dr. Shannon McNeeley and Morgan Shimabuku led sessions at the U.S. WASH Convening in Washington, D.C.  

The sessions, entitled “WASH Access and Climate Change for Frontline Communities,” provided an overview of six key climate change impacts to water and sanitation systems in the United States and included a facilitated discussion focusing on strategies for achieving equitable, climate-resilient water and sanitation in frontline communities. These sessions drew from insights in our recent report, which offers a synthesis of these impacts, highlighting the disproportionate burdens shouldered by frontline communities.  

The sessions were co-convened with DigDeep and members from frontline communities.   

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April 4, 2024 | Water Conservation Showcase

On April 4, Pacific Institute teammates Dr. Peter Gleick, Heather Cooley, and Sonali Abraham presented at the Water Conservation Showcase in San Ramon Valley, CA, USA.

This event is a yearly gathering of advocates, researchers, business leaders, product manufacturers, and government officials to address the most pressing water challenges facing the state of California.

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March 19, 2024 (10:00 AM PST) | Untapped Potential of Urban Stormwater Runoff in the United States

Pacific Institute Water Efficiency & Reuse team hosted a webinar on findings and recommendations from the first of three US national assessments, titled Untapped Potential: An Assessment of Urban Stormwater Runoff Potential in the United States, exploring the volumetric potential of stormwater runoff in Urban Areas across the United States.

Launched recently, the study quantifies the volumetric potential of stormwater runoff in urban areas, finding 59.5 million acre-feet per year (AFY) – equivalent to an annual average of more than 53 billion gallons per day – of urban stormwater is generated. Developed using a spatially distributed modeling approach, this work sets the stage for wider uptake of stormwater capture to improve water resilience by mitigating impacts from intensifying flooding and drought driven by climate change, diversifying water supplies to address water scarcity risks, and reducing water pollution.

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Panelists from the Pacific Institute and 2NDNATURE discussed major findings across a variety of geographies and dive deeper into the results through four illustrative case examples that highlight the potential role for stormwater capture. 

The webinar concluded with a discussion of recommendations for policy and practice to help realize the ‘untapped potential’ as a tool to combat water scarcity and support long-term water resource sustainability and resilience in communities. 

February 29, 2024 (10:30 AM EST) | Digital Water Resilience Monitoring Projects Webinar

The CEO Water Mandate (an initiative in partnership with the UN Global Compact and Pacific Institute) and the European Space Agency – ESA hosted an exclusive presentation showcasing nine ongoing Digital Water Resilience Monitoring Projects in 2024.

These projects aim to revolutionize global water data availability through space & digital tech. This next-generation Water Resilience monitoring data is focused on three critical dimensions: water quantity, quality, and water, sanitation, and hygiene access.

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February 12-14, 2024 | GreenBiz 24

Pacific Institute contributed to the discussions at GreenBiz 24 in Phoenix, AZ. Among the highlights was a session moderated by Senior Researcher, Cora Snyder.

In collaboration with the UN Global Compact Network USA and partners of the CEO Water Mandate, Ceres, PepsiCo, Microsoft, Gotham Greens, Cargill, S&P Global, and Xylem, a new report was launched, “From Ripples to Waves: The Value of Corporate Water Stewardship.” This publication offers actionable insights and innovative strategies for corporate engagement in water preservation and restoration.
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The session moderated by Snyder not only showcased the report but also facilitated an interactive peer learning platform to discuss and strategize on how companies can engage in collective action to preserve and restore our most precious resource, water.

February 8, 2024 | Lafayette Garden Club, Lafayette, CA

On February 8, Pacific Institute Director of Research, Heather Cooley, was a panelist at a panel discussion on “How Landscapes Can Help Mitigate the Effects of Climate Change in Our Community.” Heather was accompanied by Wendi Shively as the moderator, Pamela Berstler, G3, Green Gardens Group, and Wei-Tai Kwok, Climate Reality Project and Lafayette City Council Member.

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December 13-15, 2023 | Colorado River Water Users Assocation Annual Conference

Pacific Institute Senior Researchers Michael Cohen and Cora Snyder attended the Colorado River Water Users Association Annual Conference in Las Vegas, NV. Cohen presented in the session “Constructing Strong Foundations: A Basin Sectors Panel Discussion.

This year’s conference featured a multitude of informative speakers, panel discussions, and other meetings of interest to Colorado River water users. The conference is a significant meeting for key decision makers from the Colorado River Basin states. 

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December 6, 2023 | Getting to Green Virtual Forum

On December 6, Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Sonali Abraham was featured as a panelist at the Getting to Green virtual forum. The event, hosted by Watershed Health, showcased discussions on some of the latest research and resources for planning, implementing, and maintaining living schoolyard projects.

November 30-December 12, 2023 | COP28

Pacific Institute experts were front and center during COP28, the UN Climate Change Conference. Building on our 35-year expertise conducting research, issuing warnings, and advancing solutions to the water-climate crisis, the Pacific Institute participated in more than a dozen sessions to scale solutions during COP28.

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November 29, 2023 | Oklahoma Governor’s Water Conference

On November 29, Pacific Institute Senior Researcher of Public Policy and Practice Uptake Shannon Spurlock keynoted the 43rd Annual Oklahoma Governor’s Water Conference.

The event consisted of local, state, and federal officials and industry experts who share an avid interest in Oklahoma water issues, including planning to address future supply shortages in all water use sectors.

November 14-16, 2023 | One Water Summit

One Water Summit is the premier national conference focused on sustainable, integrated, and inclusive approaches to managing water—our most precious natural resource. From inspiring plenary sessions, skill-building learning labs, interactive workshops, mobile tours, and unparalleled networking opportunities, One Water Summit 2023 is the ultimate place to learn from one another and pursue our collective One Water future. Learn more about participating sessions below and at the official One Water Summit website.

Water Affordability Innovations Delegation

On November 14, Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Morgan Shimabuku is leading the dialogue during a Peer Exchange on emerging and innovative approach to water and wastewater affordability. The goal of this peer exchange is to learn from attendees about various approaches to affordability being tried by water and wastewater utilities and assess what is working, what is not working, and why. The four affordability topics focused on include: measuring program outcomes, improving communication and outreach efforts, exploring the role of conservation and efficiency in affordability initiatives, and gaining support from key local constituencies.

Social Equity Considerations for Water Reuse Implementation

On November 14, AECOM and the Pacific Institute will be hosting a dialogue focused on the social impacts of water reuse. Implementing water reuse projects provides a myriad of social, environmental, and economic benefits to a community. However, social equity outcomes and impacts vary with each community. Considering community-specific factors and characteristics is crucial in advancing social equity through water reuse. Join and share, from your community’s perspective, the community-specific factors and aspects that we need to consider for elevating social equity as one of the criteria when considering water reuse implementation.

Advancing Social Equity through Water Reuse

On November 14, Pacific Institute Senior Researcher of Public Policy and Practice Uptake Shannon Spurlock will be facilitating the Peer to Peer Exchange, “Advancing Social Equity through Water Reuse.” co-hosted with AECOM. Water reuse is a key tool in the One Water approach, applied to maximize the value of water, with the goal of providing a safe, reliable and resilient water supply. In achieving their objective, water reuse projects generate multiple benefits — including environmental and social value — with the latter typically downplayed and under-represented during decision making. This delegation will explore and advance the profile of water reuse and its ability to create social equity at both the federal and municipal levels. The delegation’s principal objective is to elevate social equity as one of the determining factors when considering water reuse implementation.

Water and Sanitation Access in the United States

On November 15, Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Morgan Shimabuku will moderate the panel, “Water and Sanitation Access in the United States.” More than two million people in the US still lack access to running water and indoor plumbing. Race and historic disenfranchisement are primary indicators of who will experience this reality, with the COVID-19 pandemic widening these disparities. People experiencing this lack of access can be in smaller, more remote communities or can be parts of larger urban communities that have uneven water systems. Water equity champions across the country have developed practical, cross-sector solutions to closing this access gap. This session will feature water leaders discussing what we can learn from international and national water and sanitation (WASH) efforts and how we can build a domestic WASH community of practice.

Water’s Role in Democracy, Civil Cohesion, and Justice

On November 15, Pacific Institute President Jason Morrison will be a panelist in the session “Water’s Role in Democracy, Civil Cohesion, and Justice.” Water transcends boundaries, forging connections that span generations and peoples. While it’s true that water can also be a source of contention, it also can be a pathway for greater social cohesion, a stronger democracy, and justice. From the microcosms of neighborhoods to the expansive landscapes of watersheds and entire nations, leaders make pivotal choices about how to view, value, and manage water. These choices can play powerful roles for good in our social fabric. Leaders grapple with essential questions: Who holds the authority to make decisions? Whose voices are heard and hold sway? Whose interests take precedence? What does justice demand of our decisions? Is the system functioning as it should? In this session, you will explore these connections and hear from leaders across the country working to harness water for a more just, democratic, and civil society.

October 7, 2023 | Politifest

On October 7, Pacific Institute Director of Research Heather Cooley and Senior Researcher Michael Cohen will be participating in Politifiest 2023 focused on California’s water supply. This event will bring together prominent political leaders, policy experts and thought leaders to explore this year’s dual themes: the social, political and economic implications of the growing housing emergency and the potential water crisis facing our region.

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October 2, 2023 | Co-Funding Water Stewardship Projects in the Colorado River Basin

Join us for an insightful webinar on corporate water stewardship and innovative co-funding strategies in the Colorado River Basin. This webinar will provide a comprehensive overview of a recent report highlighting the role corporations can play, through co-funding, in addressing the acute water supply limitations in the basin and this crisis. Engage with a distinguished panel of experts from corporations, NGOs, and project implementers as they discuss the opportunities and challenges around corporate investment in impactful water projects. Gain valuable insights and discover practical ways to increase the effectiveness and scalability of corporate water stewardship efforts. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore collaborative solutions for sustainable water management in one of the most critical river basins.

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September 28, 2023 | 2023 Colorado Planning Conference

On September 28, Pacific Institute Senior Researcher of Public Policy & Practice Uptake, Shannon Spurlock, will be presenting “Using a Multi-Benefit Approach in Land Use Planning” at the 2023 Colorado Planning Conference. More details to come.

September 28, 2023 | Science and the Salton Sea Webinar

The State of California is working to improve conditions around the Salton Sea, with the goal of constructing 30,000 acres of projects to suppress dust from exposed lakebed and create habitat for fish and birds and developing a long-term plan for the Sea. This webinar will explore the role of science in the state’s Salton Sea restoration planning and management efforts, answering questions of how science informs the Salton Sea Management Program and how science is applied to build and manage restoration projects while meeting regulatory milestones. The webinar will include a presentation from Utah on how science is informing wildlife management efforts at the Great Salt Lake and what California might learn from their experience. 

On Thursday, September 28th at 12 PM PT, please join a distinguished panel of experts for a robust 90-minute conversation about the role of science in Salton Sea planning. Dr. Emma Aronson of UC Riverside will moderate a panel including Tonya Marshall of the Dept. of Fish and Wildlife and Vivien Maisonneuve of the state’s Dept. of Water Resources and Kyle Stone of Utah’s Dept. of Natural Resources. The webinar will provide an opportunity for discussion among agency staff, researchers, stakeholders, and the public.


El Estado de California está trabajando para mejorar las condiciones alrededor del Salton Sea, con el objetivo de construir 30,000 acres de proyectos para suprimir el polvo del lecho expuesto del lago y crear un hábitat para peces y aves y desarrollar un plan a largo plazo para el lago. Este seminario web explorará el papel de la ciencia en los esfuerzos de planificación y gestión de la restauración del Salton Sea del estado, respondiendo preguntas sobre cómo la ciencia informa el Programa de Gestión del Salton Sea y cómo se aplica la ciencia para construir y gestionar proyectos de restauración mientras se cumplen los hitos regulatorios. El seminario web incluirá una presentación de Utah sobre cómo la ciencia está informando los esfuerzos de manejo de la vida silvestre en el Great Salt Lake y lo que California podría aprender de su experiencia.

El jueves 28 de septiembre al mediodía, hora del Pacífico, únase a un distinguido panel de expertos para una sólida conversación de 90 minutos sobre el papel de la ciencia en la planificación del Salton Sea. La Dra. Emma Aronson de UC Riverside moderará un panel que incluirá a Tonya Marshall del Departamento de Pesca y Vida Silvestre y Vivien Maisonneuve del Departamento de Recursos Hídricos y Kyle Stone del Departamento de Recursos Naturales de Utah. El seminario web brindará una oportunidad para el debate entre el personal de la agencia, los investigadores, las partes interesadas y el público en general.

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September 26, 2023 | Water Research Foundation Webinar

On September 26, the Water Research Foundation will be hosting a webinar about an upcoming report co-authored by Pacific Institute Research Associate, Jessica Dery. Presenters will share key findings and resources from the project guidebook, including a summary of thirteen illustrative profiles of the projects and programs advancing agricultural water reuse in the United States. This webcast will equip stakeholders with additional resources on strategies for evaluating, incentivizing, and overcoming common barriers to agricultural water reuse projects across diverse geographic and agricultural contexts.

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September 17-21, 2023 | UN General Assembly & SDG Summit

The 78th Session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) represents a powerful opportunity to mobilize action on the global water crisis.

Join us in New York City between September 17-21. The week includes Climate Week, the SDG Summit, and the Private Sector Forum among many others,

The Pacific Institute will join global leaders at events part of the UN General Assembly and Climate Week in New York City. Building on momentum from the UN 2023 Water Conference, the week will unite business leaders, public servants, change makers, and civil society representatives from all over the world.

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September 19, 2023 | Columbia University Water Conference, “Rethinking Water 2023

Hosted by Columbia Water Center and Sciens Water, Pacific Institute Senior Fellow and Co-Founder Peter Gleick is featured at the Rethinking Water Conference 2023 as the keynote speaker. This event is where finance, academia, government and industry meet to find solutions to the most pressing water challenges in the United States.

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September 19, 2023 | Columbia University Water Conference, “Rethinking Water 2023

Hosted by Columbia Water Center and Sciens Water, Pacific Institute Senior Fellow and Co-Founder Peter Gleick is featured at the Rethinking Water Conference 2023 as the keynote speaker. This event is where finance, academia, government and industry meet to find solutions to the most pressing water challenges in the United States.

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September 13-14, 2023 | WaterPalooza!

On September 13-14, Pacific Institute Senior Fellow and Co-Founder Peter Gleick and Senior Researchers Cora Snyder and Michael Cohen will be featured at this year’s WaterPalooza!

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September 13, 2023 | California Stormwater Quality Association Annual Conference (CASQA)

On September 13, Pacific Institute Senior Researcher of Public Policy and Practice Uptake will be presenting at the CASQA Annual Conference. This event offers a unique opportunity to interact with leading members of the stormwater community including local, state, and federal decision makers, stormwater program coordinators, contractors, consultants, engineers, lawyers, scientists, and planners. Her session, “Lessons and Insights from a National Assessment of Stormwater Capture Potential – Barriers, Drivers, and Regional Partnerships” will address a wide range of challenges and opportunities facing stormwater professionals in California and beyond.

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August 31, 2023 | California Water Efficiency Partnership Fall Plenary

On August 31, Pacific Institute Director of Research Heather Cooley will be presenting at the 2023 Fall Plenary for California Water Efficiency Partnership. Cooley’s session, “Water Efficiency’s Role in Meeting CA’s Climate Goals” will discuss water efficiency efforts and more in CA and beyond.

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September 7, 2023 | Salton Sea Webinar

The opportunity to extract large quantities of lithium from brines deep beneath California’s Salton Sea has attracted considerable attention, especially for its potential to help meet California’s renewable energy targets and support economic development in the region, but also because of concerns about potential public health and environmental impacts.

Thursday, September 7th at 12 PM PT, please join a distinguished panel of experts for a robust 90-minute conversation about lithium extraction in the Salton Sea region hosted by Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Michael Cohen. Silvia Paz, Executive Director of Alianza Coachella Valley, will moderate a panel including Imperial County Supervisor Ryan Kelley, Christina Fleming, Vice President of Mineral Development at BHE Renewables, and Eric Reyes, Executive Director of Los Amigos de la Comunidad.

The goal of the webinar is to improve understanding of lithium extraction in the Salton Sea region, including the status of current and planned pilot projects, the importance of lithium in battery production and for meeting California’s climate goals, economic potential for the region and for the Salton Sea in particular, and the concerns of local residents about the proposed development, including water demands and waste disposal.

La oportunidad de extraer grandes cantidades de litio de salmueras en las profundidades del Salton Sea de California ha atraído considerable atención, especialmente por su potencial para ayudar a cumplir los objetivos de energía renovable de California y apoyar el desarrollo económico en la región, pero también debido a las preocupaciones sobre la salud pública y el medio ambiente.

El jueves 7 de septiembre al mediodía, hora del Pacífico, únase a un distinguido panel de expertos para una sólida conversación de 90 minutos sobre la extracción de litio en la región del Salton Sea. Silvia Paz, Directora Ejecutiva de Alianza Coachella Valley, moderará un panel que incluirá al Supervisor del Condado de Imperial, Ryan Kelley, Christina Fleming, Vicepresidenta de Desarrollo Mineral de BHE Renewables, y Eric Reyes, Director Ejecutivo de Los Amigos de la Comunidad.

El objetivo del seminario web es mejorar la comprensión de la extracción de litio en la región del Salton Sea, incluido el estado de los proyectos piloto actuales y planificados, la importancia del litio en la producción de baterías y para cumplir los objetivos climáticos de California, el potencial económico para la región y para el Salton Sea en particular, y las preocupaciones de los residentes locales sobre el desarrollo propuesto, incluidas las demandas de agua y la eliminación de desechos.

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August 20-24 | Stockholm World Water Week

Join us at Stockholm World Water Week 2023, the central annual event for urgent dialogues on global water issues. The Pacific Institute, drawing upon 35 years of thought leadership, will play a key role in various events throughout the week from August 20 – 24, aimed at addressing complex water challenges and fostering innovation. 

This year’s theme is ‘Seeds of Change: Innovative Solutions for a Water-Wise World.’ Building on the momentum from the UN 2023 Water Conference, our sessions will explore a range of topics including water innovations financing, water stewardship, urban climate resilience, and more. 

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August 10 | Public Health in the Salton Sea Region

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California’s Salton Sea – the state’s largest lake – is shrinking as a result of declining inflows. The exposed lakebed emits dust, impairing the health of people who live in the area and exacerbating the existing public health challenges of these at-risk communities.

On Thursday, August 10th at noon Pacific time, please join a distinguished panel of experts for a robust 90-minute conversation about public health in the Salton Sea region. Dr. Ryan Sinclair of Loma Linda University will moderate an expert panel including Dr. Ann Cheney of UC Riverside, Alejandro Espinoza of the Desert Healthcare District, Dr. Shohreh Farzan of USC, and Sandra Ramirez of Coachella Valley Parents.


Alejandro Espinoza, MPH, CHE

Alejandro currently serves as the Chief of Community Engagement for the Desert Healthcare District/Foundation and as a faculty member at California State University, Fullerton, where he teaches Community Health Education. He previously served as a Program Director of Chronic Diseases and Special Projects at Latino Health Access (LHA) in Santa Ana, CA. His tenure at LHA provided him the opportunity to work alongside community-based organizations throughout the country assisting in the design and implementation of programs and services utilizing the community health worker (Promotora) model. Alejandro has also collaborated with academic institutions, public and private organizations, and community-based organizations in their efforts to research focus groups, pilot research programs, and community forums within the Latino community. He serves on multiple committees and sits on various governing boards providing his expertise and knowledge of community-based participatory research, health and wellness programs, and the utilization of the community health worker (Promotora) model within under-served communities.

The goal of the webinar is to improve understanding of public health in the Salton Sea region – and particularly the impacts of a declining Salton Sea on the health of nearby residents – and provide an opportunity for discussion among agency staff, stakeholders, and the public generally.


El Salton Sea de California, el lago más grande del estado, se está reduciendo como resultado de la disminución de las entradas. El lecho del lago expuesto emite polvo, lo que perjudica la salud de las personas que viven en el área y exacerba los desafíos de salud pública existentes de estas comunidades en riesgo.

El jueves 10 de agosto al mediodía, hora del Pacífico, únase a un distinguido panel de expertos para una sólida conversación de 90 minutos sobre la salud pública en la región del Mar de Salton. El Dr. Ryan Sinclair de la Universidad de Loma Linda moderará un panel de expertos que incluye la Dra. Ann Cheney de UC Riverside, Alejandro Espinoza del Desert Healthcare District, la Dra. Shohreh Farzan de USC y Sandra Ramirez de Coachella Valley Parents.

El objetivo del seminario web es mejorar la comprensión de la salud pública en la región de Salton Sea, y en particular los impactos de un Salton Sea en declive en la salud de los residentes cercanos, y brindar una oportunidad para el debate entre el personal de la agencia, las partes interesadas y el público en general.

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August 1-3 | Water Efficiency and Conservation Symposium

On August 3 in Chicago, IL, Pacific Institute Research Associate Dr. Christine Curtis will be a panelist at the Water Efficiency and Conservation Symposium hosted by Alliance for Water Efficiency. Her session, Water Efficiency: Exploring Equitable & Effective Solutions To Address Affordability will explore how utility-led water programs are addressing affordability challenges. It will also demonstrate water efficiency and conservation as an important strategy to mitigate affordability challenges in both the short and long term.

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July 17-19 | AWRA 2023 Summer Conference

Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Shannon Spurlock will present and moderate this week at the American Water Resources Association 2023 Summer Conference.

Her sessions, Maximizing Water Resources through Integrating a Multi-benefit Approach into Land Use Planning and Diversifying Colorado’s Water Portfolio: The Potential for Stormwater Capture and Use to Contribute to a Water Resilient Future will feature multi-disciplinary discussions on water resilience with industry experts.

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July 13 | A Nature-Positive Future

On July 13, Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Dr. Gregg Brill presented at “A Nature-Positive Future” hosted by ARUP and WRC, hosted virtually and in London, UK.

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June 15 | 20th Annual Water Conservation Showcase

On June 15, Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Sonali Abraham presented “Finding Leaks in the Haystack” at the 20th Annual Water Conservation Showcase in San Ramon, CA.

This panel will discuss a Pacific Institute-led project to install toilet leak detection technology in affordable housing properties across California. The project is paid for by a combination of corporate donations and water utility rebates. 

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June 13 | Salton Sea Dust Emissions Webinar | Seminario web sobre emisiones de polvo del Salton Sea

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California’s Salton Sea – the state’s largest lake – is shrinking as a result of declining inflows. The shrinking lake is already 45 square miles smaller than it was just twenty years ago and will likely shrink by more than that amount in the next twenty years. Some – but not all – of that exposed lakebed emits dust, impairing the health of people who live in the area.  

On Tuesday, June 13th at noon Pacific time, please join a distinguished panel of experts for a robust 90-minute conversation about Salton Sea dust emissions. Dr. Alexander Frie of the University of Minnesota will moderate an expert panel including Dr. Amato Evan of UC San Diego, Brian Schmid of Formation Environmental, and Steven Garcia of the California Department of Water Resources.  

The goal of the webinar is to improve understanding of air quality, dust composition, the emissivity of different soils, and predictive modeling of future emissions from Salton Sea lakebed and provide an opportunity for discussion among agency staff, stakeholders, and the public. 

Register here.

El Salton Sea de California, el lago más grande del estado, se está reduciendo como resultado de la disminución de las entradas. El lago que se está reduciendo ya es 45 millas cuadradas más pequeño de lo que era hace solo veinte años y probablemente se reducirá en más de esa cantidad en los próximos veinte años. Parte, pero no todo, de ese lecho del lago expuesto emite polvo, lo que perjudica la salud de las personas que viven en el área.  

El martes 13 de junio al mediodía, hora del Pacífico, únase a un distinguido panel de expertos para una sólida conversación de 90 minutos sobre las emisiones de polvo del Salton Sea. El Dr. Alexander Frie de la Universidad de Minnesota moderará un panel de expertos que incluye al Dr. Amato Evan de UC San Diego, Brian Schmid de Formation Environmental y Steven García del Departamento de Recursos Hídricos (DWR) de California. 

El objetivo del seminario web es mejorar la comprensión de la calidad del aire, la composición del polvo, la emisividad de diferentes suelos y el modelado predictivo de emisiones futuras del lecho del Salton Sea y brindar una oportunidad para el debate entre el personal de la agencia, las partes interesadas y el público.  

Registrarse aquí

May 16 | California State Water Board Annual Salton Sea Workshop

On May 16, Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Michael Cohen will moderate the “Hydrology and Colorado River Drought” panel at the California State Water Board’s annual Salton Sea workshop. The event will be held at Imperial Valley College and broadcast in both Spanish and English. There are virtual attendance options and it is open to the public.

Learn more.

May 17 | LABBC May Webinar: Water Efficiency in Multifamily Housing

On May 17 at 12 PM PT, Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Cora Snyder will speak on the LABBC May Webinar: Water Efficiency in Multifamily Housing. Leak detection in multifamily properties can be the largest and quickest opportunity for utility savings.

Simple and discrete leak detection technologies can effectively lower overall water use and substantially improve a building’s performance. Snyder and colleagues will discuss California’s current water supply, pending state legislation, new leak detection technologies, and available water incentives. This webinar is free and open to the public.

Learn more.

March 23-25 | UN 2023 Water Conference

The UN 2023 Water Conference—the first since 1977—presents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to advance water on the global sustainable development agenda. The Conference will take place at UN Headquarters in New York, 22-24 March 2023. Formally known as the 2023 Conference for the Midterm Comprehensive Review of Implementation of the UN Decade for Action on Water and Sanitation (2018-2028), the conference will be co-hosted by Tajikistan and the Netherlands.

The conference will include an opening and closing session, six plenary sessions, and five interactive dialogues, as well as side events. It will result in a summary of proceedings from the UNGA President that will feed into the 2023 session of the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). 

For more information about the Pacific Institute’s involvement in the conference, click here.

March 7-14 | Creating Resilient Water Utilities Webinar Series

The Environmental Protection Agency’s Creating Resilient Water Utilities (CRWU) initiative in collaboration with the Indian Health Service, Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Northern Arizona University, and Pacific Institute invites you to participate in a series of complimentary webinars focused on increasing tribes’ resilience against the impacts of climate change.

The Pacific Institute is proud to be involved through the leadership of Dr. Shannon McNeeley, Senior Researcher and Water and Climate Equity Lead, who is on the planning team for this series. The sessions will cover climate impacts, adaptation strategies, and financing for tribal water utilities. 

Learn more here

March 5-8 | WateReuse Symposium 2023

The Annual WateReuse Symposium is the premier conference on water recycling — attracting water professionals and water reuse practitioners globally for knowledge-sharing, networking, and collaboration! The event is planned in collaboration with The Water Research Foundation and will include engaging sessions on the latest reuse-related research projects.

Sessions hosted by Pacific Institute Researchers include: 

Advances in Interagency Collaboration
When: March 5, 1-3 PM ET
Presenters: Shannon Spurlock (Pacific Institute) and Eric Rosenblum (Water Resource Consultant)

Expanding Water Reuse to Small and Underserved Communities: Lessons Learned (CA, ID, KS)
When: March 6, 11 AM – 12 PM ET
Presenters: Shannon Spurlock (Pacific Institute), Mike McCullough (Monterey One Water), Tressa Nicholas (Idaho Dept of Environmental Quality), and Rogelio Rodriguez (Water Finance Exchange)

Developing Onsite Water Systems to Support Regional Water Resilience
When: March 6, 3:45-4:15 PM ET
Presenter: Cora Snyder (Pacific Institute)

Protecting the Chesapeake Through Reuse: A Regional Collaboration
When: March 6, 4:15-4:45 PM ET
Presenters: Shannon Spurlock (Pacific Institute), Jay Bernas (Hampton Roads Sanitation District), Ryder Bunce (Virginia Dept. of Health), Scott Kudlas (Virgina Dept. of Environmental Quality), Doug Powell (James City Service Authority), and Eric Rosenblum (Water Resource Consultant)

Expanding Water Resiliency in Colorado Through Urban Stormwater Capture and Use
When: March 7, 10:30 AM – 11 AM ET
Presenter: Shannon Spurlock (Pacific Institute)

Learn more here.

February 23 | Salton Sea Salinity

California’s Salton Sea – the state’s largest lake – contains more than 470 million metric tons of dissolved salts. It’s more than twice as salty as the ocean and getting saltier. An unknown amount of additional salt – likely measuring in the hundreds of millions of tons – lies on the lake bottom and along the shore. Some three million tons of salts – enough to cover a square mile of land three feet deep – flow into the Sea every year. 

On Thursday, February 23rd at noon PST, please join a distinguished panel of experts for a robust 90-minute conversation about Salton Sea salinity. Michael Cohen of the Pacific Institute will moderate the conversation, joined by Ali Montazar of University of California Cooperative Extension, Chris Holdren, formerly with the Bureau of Reclamation, Elliot Jagniecki of the Utah Geological Survey, and Tom Sephton of EcoMedia Compass.  

The objective of the webinar is to improve understanding of the amount and chemistry and fate of the salts entering the Salton Sea and provide an opportunity for discussion among agency staff, stakeholders, and the public generally. 

Topics will include:  

  • Colorado River salts & leaching in Imperial Valley  
  • Amount and chemistry and fate of salts entering the Salton Sea  
  • Great Salt Lake salt chemistry & salinity gradients  
  • Salt chemistry at high concentrations & desalination  
February 15 | California Water Commission

Heather Cooley, Director of Research at Pacific Institute, will be presenting at the California Water Commission meeting on February 15th on “Long-term Drought: Expert Panel on Drought Preparedness and Response Strategies.” The panel will present policy perspectives and hands-on practitioner perspectives on implementation of drought preparedness and response strategies.  

Join the meeting through the Zoom link.

For those who prefer to watch or listen, the meeting will also be webcast live at:

February 10 | Water Equity, Affordability, and Change

Pacific Institute Director of Research, Heather Cooley, will be presenting at SPUR’s Water Equity, Affordability, and Climate Change presentation. The discussion will talk about ways to curb water rate increases and mitigate the disproportionate impact on low income customers.

January 20 | Sustainable Water Markets (SWM) Program Annual Symposium

Pacific Institute Director of Research, Heather Cooley, will be a panelist for the session “Water Resilience and Intersections with Urban Efficiency” at the Sustainable Water Markets (SWM) Program Annual Symposium hosted by the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management.

The theme of the symposium is “Building Resilience and Equity in Water Market Strategies.”

January 15-19 | 13th IWA International Conference on Water Reclamation and Reuse

Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Shannon Spurlock presented at the 13th IWA International Conference on Water Reclamation and Reuse to be held from January 15-19 in Chennai, India. 

The central theme of the conference was “Water Reuse: Overcoming the Challenges of Growth and Climate Change”. In her two presentations, Shannon will highlight the multi-benefits that can be realized when collaborating to drive and scale water reuse.

January 10 | Salton Sea Hydrology Webinar

On Tuesday, January 10 at noon PST, please join a distinguished panel of experts and practitioners for a robust 90-minute conversation about Salton Sea hydrology. Michael Cohen of the Pacific Institute will moderate the conversation, joined by Sujoy Roy, consultant to the Salton Sea Management Program (SSMP), Juan Acero Triana of UC Riverside, Taylor Adams of Hydros Consulting, and Mike Tietze of Formation Environmental. This webinar will be available in English and in Spanish. Topics will include:

– Salton Sea inflows and SSMP project water demands,
– hydrologic drivers in the Salton Sea basin, and
– inflows and project water demands for the Bombay Beach Wetlands project.

Register here for the webinar.

The objective of the webinar is to improve understanding of current and possible future Salton Sea inflows and the water demands of various Salton Sea projects and provide an opportunity for discussion among modelers, agency staff, stakeholders, and the public generally.

The webinar will follow the format of the previous Salton Sea webinars posted on, with simultaneous interpretation in Spanish and will be recorded and posted in both English and Spanish.

El martes 10 de enero al mediodía PST, únase a un distinguido panel de expertos y profesionales para una sólida conversación de 90 minutos sobre la hidrología del Salton Sea. Michael Cohen del Pacific Institute moderará la conversación, junto con Sujoy Roy, consultora del Programa de Gestión del Salton Sea (SSMP), Juan Acero Triana de UC Riverside, Taylor Adams de Hydros Consulting, y Mike Tietze de Formation Environmental. Este seminario web estará disponible en inglés y en español. Los temas incluirán:

– Entradas de Salton Sea y demandas de agua del proyecto SSMP,
– impulsores hidrológicos en la cuenca del Salton Sea, y
– entradas y demandas de agua del proyecto para el proyecto Bombay Beach Wetlands.

Regístrese aquí para el seminario web.

El objetivo del seminario web es mejorar la comprensión de los flujos de entrada actuales y futuros de Salton Sea y las demandas de agua de varios proyectos de Salton Sea y brindar una oportunidad para el debate entre los modeladores, el personal de la agencia, las partes interesadas y el público en general.

El seminario web seguirá el formato de los seminarios web anteriores de Salton Sea publicados en, con interpretación simultánea en español y será grabado y publicado tanto en inglés como en español.

January 15-19 | 13th IWA International Conference on Water Reclamation and Reuse

Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Shannon Spurlock will present at the 13th IWA International Conference on Water Reclamation and Reuse to be held from January 15-19 in Chennai, India. 

The central theme of the conference is “Water Reuse: Overcoming the Challenges of Growth and Climate Change”. In her two presentations, Shannon will highlight the multi-benefits that can be realized when collaborating to drive and scale water reuse.

Learn more

November 7-10 | Localizing California Waters Conference

Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Cora Kammeyer will present at the Localizing California Waters Conference in Yosemite on November 7-10.

Cora will be talking about the California Water Action Collaborative and the Water Action Hub. 

Learn more and register

October 20 | Advancing climate resilience in our Valley and beyond

Pacific Institute Senior Fellow and Co-Founder Dr. Peter Gleick is a guest speaker at the Napa Valley Community Foundation Town Hall on October 20. 

Peter will discuss how climate change affects water supply and wildfire risk, and what actions can be taken to preserve the Valley. 

Learn more and register

October 24 | Bren Seminar: Sonali Abraham on water conservation

Pacific Institute Research Associate Dr. Sonali Abraham will present at UC Santa Barbara Bren School of Environmental Science and Management on October 24. 

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October 25 | 5th National Adaptation Forum

Pacific Institute Senior Researchers Dr. Gregg Brill and Dr. Shannon McNeeley will be participating in the 5th National Adaptation Forum on October 25.

Gregg will host a Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE) Tools Workshop and Shannon is on the Steering Committee and the Equity & Climate Justice Working Group.

Gregg’s session “Building the Business Case For Nature-Based Solutions: Introducing the NBS Benefits Explorer Tool” will focus on the implementation of and investment in nature-based solutions (NBS) by the corporate sector. Work like this allows organizations to make informed decisions regarding water security, climate mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity conservation, and socio-economic enhancements.

Learn more

October 12-13 | Natural Infrastructure for Water Solutions Forum on Performance and Metrics

Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Dr. Gregg Brill will present at the Natural Infrastructure for Water Solutions Forum on Performance and Metrics hosted by the International Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD) in Winnipeg October 12-13.

Gregg will join IISD and strategic leaders working at the interface of natural infrastructure and water issues across the prairies, including Alternative Land Use Services – ALUS Canada, the Municipal Natural Assets Initiative, the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation, and many other representatives from academia and municipal, provincial, and federal governments.

Learn more about IISD

October 6 | A Collaborative Approach to Colorado River Management

Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Michael Cohen will present on a panel “A Collaborative Approach to Colorado River Management” on October 6.

The Colorado River is in crisis, creating serious challenges for water managers and the communities that rely upon it. This panel of diverse stakeholders will discuss efforts to find collaborative solutions basin-wide and how this could shape the future of Western water for years to come. This is the first in what is anticipated to be a series on the Colorado River.

This session, hosted by the Southern California Water Coalition, is brought to you by San Diego County Water Authority, Imperial Irrigation District, Black & Veatch, and Brady.

Learn more

October 4-6 | WaterSmart Innovations Conference and Exposition

The Pacific Institute will be featured across three sessions at this year’s WaterSmart Innovations Conference and Exposition from October 4-6 in Las Vegas. At the conference, technical sessions will cover everything from advancing the adoption of efficient products, to alternate water supplies, to marketing and outreach and much more.

Water utilities and systems are increasingly challenged by climate change, emerging contaminants, evolving regulations, aging infrastructure, conservation needs, and much more. New technologies are being invented, new strategies and programs are being developed, new ways to engage customers are arising, and new models for managing and governing systems for drinking water and wastewater are being explored.

Learn more about the conference and take a sneak peek at Pacific Institute sessions below:

  • Harnessing the Power of Water to Meet Energy and Climate Goals: Presented by Heather Cooley, Pacific Institute Director of Research

Population growth and climate change are increasing pressure on limited water resources. As conventional water sources become constrained, communities are considering more energy-intensive options, threatening to increase water’s energy and greenhouse gas footprints. Using California as a case study, the Pacific Institute draws on new data and information to quantify the technical potential to expand water efficiency, water reuse, and stormwater capture and develop future scenarios of water supplies and demands to estimate water’s energy and greenhouse gas footprints. While focused on California, the methodology and results are relevant for communities across the western United States.

  • The Untapped Potential of California’s Urban Water Supply: Water Efficiency, Water Reuse, and Stormwater Capture: Presented by Dr. Sonali Abraham, Pacific Institute Research Associate

This session will focus on a recent Pacific Institute study that quantified California’s potential for urban water efficiency, water reuse, and stormwater capture to both reduce inefficient and wasteful water uses and expand local water supplies. Previous assessments showed that these options are more cost effective than traditional and increasingly hard to implement options to expand supply. Tapping this potential would help solve California’s long-standing water problems and provide added benefits. This session will provide an overview of current imbalances in water use and supply, and the findings of the analysis.

  • Advancing Water Efficiency in Low Income Housing: Southern California Case Study: Presented by Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Cora Kammeyer and Research Associate Dr. Christine DeMyers

This session will share results from a cross-sector project in which corporations, NGOs, and water utilities worked together to install and monitor remote leak detection technology in three low-income apartment buildings in Southern California. The session will cover the water, energy, and money saved from the project; stakeholder perspectives; and how the unique set of partners came together to make the project happen. Speakers will share learnings from project implementation, including the project design and how to effectively partner across sectors.  

September 27 |  Maximizing Water Resources through Integrating a Multi-benefit Approach into Land Use Planning 

Pacific Institute Senior Researcher, Shannon Spurlock, will present ”Maximizing Water Resources through Integrating a Multi-benefit Approach into Land Use Planning” on September 27 in partnership with the American Planning Association’s Water & Planning Network. 

Panelists will share how and why they prioritize water projects that incorporate a multi-benefit approach in land use planning. From state-level funding to the economics of project valuations, to working with planners to design and implement environments that are equitable and resilient, this webinar will demonstrate how to integrate and scale a multi-benefit approach for the greatest community benefits. 

Learn more

September 15 |  The Future of Natural Infrastructure 

Dr. Gregg Brill presented at a virtual event “The Future of Natural Infrastructure” hosted by the International Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD) on September 15.

IISD launched Natural Infrastructure for Water Solutions (NIWS), a 5-year initiative to scale up natural infrastructure in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba for cleaner water and resilient communities.

The event looked at how to ensure that the case for more natural infrastructure is backed by evidence, adopted, financed, and built into policy, and how local municipalities can take part in this work.

Learn more

September 11-15 |  World Water Congress & Exhibition 

Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Shannon Spurlock presented three sessions at the World Water Congress & Exhibition between September 11 and 15. 

  • The Art of Collaboration: Crossing Borders to Solve Systems-Based Problems
  • Multi-agency Water Reuse Programs: Lessons for Successful Collaboration
  • Water Efficiency: The Fastest, Cheapest, Largest Source of New Water

Shannon highlighted the role of a multi-benefit approach in advancing regional collaboration among water utilities. She also discussed water efficiency as it relates to a multi-benefit approach, water-energy nexus, and research from the recent Pacific Institute report, “The Untapped Potential of California’s Urban Water Supply: Water Efficiency, Water Reuse, and Stormwater Capture.”

Click here to learn more about the World Water Congress and Shannon’s presentations

September 9 | 2022 Energy & Water Nexus

Pacific Institute Director of Research Heather Cooley was a panelist at the 2022 Energy & Water Nexus Event hosted by the Bay Planning Coalition on Friday, September 9. The panel presentation “Alternative Water Sources for Drought Resilience” is more relevant than ever—with nearly 100% of California facing severe drought.

The annual Energy & Water Nexus Event brings together leading thinkers on water and energy to discuss solutions to pressing climate issues.

Learn more

June 28 I Best Practices for Community Engagement webinar
28 de junio I Las mejores prácticas para la participación comunitaria

(Ver español abajo)

On Tuesday, June 28 at noon PDT, please join a distinguished panel of experts and practitioners for a robust 90-minute conversation about best practices for community engagement. Prof. Chris Benner of UC Santa Cruz will moderate the conversation, joined by Miguel Hernandez of the Salton Sea Management ProgramMariela Loera of Leadership CounselSilvia Paz of Alianza ECVChristian Rodgriguez of KDI, and Frank Ruiz of Audubon. This webinar will be available in English and in Spanish. Topics will include:

  • articulation of how community input is integrated into project objectives and design,
  • requirements for contractors to maintain community engagement throughout project design and construction,
  • differences between public relations and community engagement, and
  • developing a strong framework for responding to community input in a timely and clear manner.

Alianza CV’s 2018 Community Engagement Strategies and Recommendations for the Salton Sea Management Program

Register here for the webinar.

Unase a un distinguido panel de expertos y profesionales para una sólida conversación de 90 minutos sobre las mejores prácticas para la participación comunitaria. El profesor Chris Benner de UC Santa Cruz moderará la conversación, junto con Miguel Hernandez del Programa de Gestión del Salton SeaMariela Loera de Leadership CounselSilvia Paz de Alianza ECVChristian Rodríguez de KDI, y Frank Ruiz de Audubon. Este seminario web estará disponible en inglés y en español.

Los temas incluirán:

  • articulación de cómo se integran los aportes de la comunidad en los objetivos y el diseño del proyecto,
  • requisitos para que los contratistas mantengan la participación de la comunidad durante el diseño y la construcción del proyecto,
  • diferencias entre las relaciones públicas y la participación comunitaria, y
  • desarrollar un marco sólido para responder a los aportes de la comunidad de manera oportuna y clara.

Registrarse aquí

Date/Fecha: June 28/28 de junio
Time/Hora: 12:00pm PT
Language/Idioma: English/español

Learn more and register 
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June 28-29 I GreenFin

Water: A Rising Tade on the Corporate Agenda. The global water crisis is both an economic and humanitarian crisis — an unmitigated risk to global supply chains, profits and the well-being of communities and populations around the world. Through the U.N. Global Compact, CEO Water Mandate and the Water Resilience Coalition (WRC), a growing cohort of corporations recognize that philanthropy alone won’t suffice to solve the global water crisis. They see themselves as playing an increasingly material role in the innovation, collaboration and delivery of investment capital needed to solve the escalating crisis. Leading voices tackle the increased role corporate water investments have in driving meaningful collective action toward a water-positive future.

Speakers include:

  • Mai-Lan Ha, Deputy Head, CEO Water Mandate, UN Global Compact
  • Emilio Tenuta, SVP & CSO, Ecolab
  • Vedika Bhandarkar, COO,
  • Jackie VanderBrug, Head of Sustainable & Impact Investment Strategy, Bank of America
  • Una Hrnjak-Hadziahmetovic, Head of Sustainability Strategy & Programs, Starbucks

Date: June 29

Time:  9:00am ET

Language: English

Learn more and register here.

View information about more past events the Pacific Institute has participated in here

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