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1417 Resources

Water Efficiency Testimony

June 4, 2003 | publication

Testimony of Dr. Peter H. Gleick

Testimony on Water Efficiency: Is Water the ‘Oil” of the 21st Century?

June 4, 2003 | publication

There are two ways to think about the title of this hearing: Is Water the Oil of the 21st Century?

On the Need for a National Water Commission for the 21st Century

April 1, 2003 | publication

Testimony of Dr. Peter H. Gleick Before the Legislative Hearing of the  Subcommittee on Water and Power  Of the Committee on Resources  United States Congress.

National Water Commission Letter

March 11, 2003 | publication

Valuing Water for Better Governance: How To Promote Dialogue To Balance Social, Environmental, And Economic Values?

March 10, 2003 | publication

Solving the freshwater crisis requires significantly more investment and spending in the water sector, but getting more money requires broad agreement among stakeholders.

Pacific Institute Releases 15-Year Anniversary Report

February 28, 2003 | publication

The report details the work of our various programs, covers their successes and results, and offers history and background about some of the most pressing challenges we face: climate change, threats to our water resources, terrorism and conflict, the perils of globalization, and the importance of environmental justice.

Fact Sheet on the Proposed Imperial Valley-San Diego Water Transfer

December 20, 2002 | publication

On December 9, 2002 the Imperial Valley Irrigation district voted not to transfer water to San Diego as outlined in the Hertzberg negotiated settlement. This means that the proposed Quantification Settlement Agreement (QSA) will not go forward. If this deal falls through, California's Metropolitan Water District (MWD) will get 800,000 acre-feet less water next year.

Environmental Security: A Case Study of Climate Change

August 26, 2002 | publication

From increases in infectious diseases and uncertainty in food markets to more frequent and intense natural disasters, increased CO2 emissions have the potential to destabilize economies and spark global conflict.

Review: The Skeptical Environmentalist

August 20, 2002 | post

A recent book challenges some of the fundamental understandings of the environmental science community and argues that instead of deteriorating, the world’s most critical environmental conditions are improving. The Skeptical Environmentalist, by Danish statistician Bjørn Lomborg...

Dirty Water: Estimated Deaths from Water Related Diseases 2000-2020

August 12, 2002 | publication

Inadequate access to safe drinking water and sanitation systems is a critical human health issue that impacts billions of people around the globe.

Water Management: Soft Water Paths

July 25, 2002 | publication

The soft path seeks to improve the overall productivity of water use and deliver water services matched to the needs of end users, rather than seeking sources of new supply.

The World’s Water, Volume 3

June 28, 2002 | publication

The third volume in the The World’s Water book series, The World’s Water: 2002-2003 explores and proposes solutions to a variety of critical water issues including the global water crisis, global warming and water, the privatization and globalization of water, and and water-related conflicts.

Fire and Water: An Examination of the Technologies, Institutions, and Social Issues in Arms Control and Transboundary Water-Resources Agreements

June 20, 2002 | publication

This report explores how technologies developed to control the spread of weapons can be used to improve agreements over shared natural resources.

The New Economy of Water: The Risks and Benefits of Globalization and Privatization of Fresh Water

February 26, 2002 | publication

In an increasingly globalized economy, the privatization of water as an economic good has sparked complex debate.

Neighborhood Knowledge for Change: The West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project

January 23, 2002 | publication

The Environmental Indicators Project is the culmination of two years of research, analysis, and collaboration between the grassroots advocacy group

Healthy, Fair, and Profitable: A Win-Win Pesticide Policy

January 12, 2002 | publication

This report released by the Pacific Institute and the California Green Scissors project makes the case for changing the way pesticides are regulated in California.

Creating a Framework for Sustainability in California: Lessons Learned from the New Zealand Experience

December 12, 2001 | publication

New Zealand’s attempt to integrate environmental protection and resource management with a “goals-based” policy framework can help serve as a guide for California as it continues to grapple with resource scarcity.

Op-Ed: Don’t Drill the Arctic: Renewable Energy is Safer, Cleaner, More Secure

December 2, 2001 | publication

The terror attacks of September 11 have brought the vulnerabilities of modern America into stunning relief. Our airports, airplanes and office buildings were far more open to attack then most imagined. And, according to many policy makers and scientists, so is our oil-based economy.

Threats to the World’s Freshwater Resources

November 10, 2001 | publication

As we move into the 21st century, water managers and policymakers must face new threats to the world's freshwater resources.

Defining Transparency: Expectations and Obstacles

October 24, 2001 | publication

The proceedings of a recent workshop jointly hosted by the Pacific Institute and the Global Environmental Management Initiative (GEMI) are now available.

Op-Ed: A Proposal to Preserve and Enhance Habitat at the Salton Sea

October 4, 2001 | publication

Recent discussions and legislative efforts at the state and federal level have again focused attention on the Salton Sea. These recent discussions, on the potential impacts on the Salton Sea of a proposed water transfer from Imperial Valley to the San Diego area, have highlighted the challenges faced by those working to address the current and future problems of the Sea, and the inadequacy of any temporary or piecemeal approach.

Missing Water: The Uses and Flows of Water in the Colorado River Delta Region

September 26, 2001 | publication

This report represents the first time comprehensive flow data was compiled for the entire Colorado River Delta region.

A New Vigilance: Identifying and Reducing the Risks of Environmental Terrorism

September 26, 2001 | publication

As the global population increases, the world’s existing resources  -- water, energy, soil, and more -- are being consumed at an increasing rate.

The National Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Variability and Change

September 26, 2000 | publication

The National Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Variability and Change was a groundbreaking attempt to evaluate the impacts of climate change on the United States.

The World’s Water, Volume 2

June 1, 2000 | publication

The second volume of The World’s Water contains new chapters on global water use projections, international river basins, the complex connections between water and food production, desalination, wastewater treatment and reuse, and the legal issues around a human right to water.

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