1460 Resources
Understanding and Reducing the Risks of Climate Change
March 10, 2006 | publication
Honorable members of the legislature and of the public, thank you for the opportunity to offer this briefing today.
US EPA Hearing on Particulate Matter
March 8, 2006 | publication
Hello, my name is Emily Lee. I am a program associate at the Pacific Institute, which is a non-profit research institute based in Oakland.

The Emerging Role of Private Social and Environmental International Standards in Economic Globalization
February 14, 2006 | publication
In a world where businesses understand the clear benefits of being perceived of as good socio-environmental performers, companies will market themselves thus, even when this means baseless self-promotion and/or outright deception known as ‘greenwashing.’
Testimony: Dam It, Not Now: Comments on Governor Schwarzenegger’s Water Bond Proposal
February 14, 2006 | publication
Water is vital to our economy, our environment, and our daily lives. As California’s population and economy grow, there is mounting concern about our ability to meet future water demand.

Research in India: Smelling Like Petrol
February 3, 2006 | post
While I am in Chennai working on water issues, I wear the scent of another major problem in Indian cities. I often come home from my research trips in Chennai smelling like a gallon of petrol.

Remaining Drops: Freshwater Resources a Global Issue
January 26, 2006 | publication
Corporations and institutional investors face new risks and challenges relating to water. Uninterrupted access to reliable, affordable and clean water is now a critical issue for the investment and corporate communities because of the increasingly significant effects that water-resource availability and quality are having on economic growth and activity, paths to development and markets around the world.

Research in India: What Would Gandhi Do?
January 25, 2006 | post
I am always thoroughly impressed and humbled by the dedication and commitment of my NGO colleagues and concerned residents who are involved in the struggle to make Chennai more sustainable.

Research in India: Happy Pongal!
January 23, 2006 | post
Harvest celebrations are a commonality across cultures, a time to think about where our food comes from and give thanks.

Research in India: Counting Toilets in the New Millennium
January 13, 2006 | post
The United Nations attempted to answer these questions with a series of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): targets for the international community to achieve in order to improve the health and well being of all people.

Research in India: The Holy Grail
January 11, 2006 | post
There are passions that drive people. Finding a cure for cancer. Stopping the spread of AIDS. Improving wastewater treatment in India has always been my holy grail (It’s a strange holy grail to be sure. But what is even stranger, I’ve found a small cadre of those who are equally passionate about it).

Research in India: Water Troubles in Chennai
December 28, 2005 | post
December 28, 2005 - Chennai, India is a really a city that is a song about water, and a poem in contrasts. When I was here two years ago in 2003, Chennai (formerly called Madras) had gone through a 7 year drought, with the hope of a good rain on everyone’s minds and in many prayers.

Beyond Privitization: Restructuring Water Systems to Improve Performance
December 3, 2005 | publication
Water managers face significant challenges meeting the water supply, wastewater collection and treatment, and stormwater management needs of the communities they serve.
Understanding Flows Through the Remnant Colorado River Delta: Recommendations for Streamgage Sites and Data Collection
November 4, 2005 | publication
This white paper asserts that the current lack of data on the last 75 miles of the Colorado River hampers efforts to understand and preserve the river’s threatened final reach.

California Water 2030: An Efficient Future
September 15, 2005 | publication
What will the future hold for California’s water? Will resources dwindle, causing conflict and hardship, or will increased conservation measures and cooperation provide enough for all?

Deluged by Diesel: Healthy Solutions for West County
July 5, 2005 | publication
There is an estimated six times more diesel pollution released per square mile in the western part of California’s Contra Costa County than in the county as a whole, and 40 times more than in the rest of the state. Diesel pollution has been identified as one of the biggest health threats in California and is linked to cancer, heart disease, premature death, asthma, and other health problems.

Climate Change Questions and Answers Fact Sheet
April 30, 2005 | publication
“After decades of studying climate change, a global consensus has emerged: Climate change is real, has already begun, and poses a grave threat to the United States and the world,” said Dr. Peter H. Gleick, an internationally recognized expert on climate change and water resources. Dr. Gleick is President of the Pacific Institute, a member of the United Nations Sigma Xi Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Advisory Group, and a 2003 MacArthur Fellow.

IWMP Evaluation: A Review of the Salton Sea Authority’s Preferred Project Concept for Rehabilitating the Salton Sea
March 26, 2005 | publication
This report, compiled and edited by the Pacific Institute under contract to the Bureau of Reclamation, presents the conclusions generated by an experts workshop that evaluated a proposal to rehabilitate the Salton Sea.

Pacific Institute Responds to Misleading Commentary by Wayne Lusvardi
February 21, 2005 | post
On Friday February 25th, the Sacramento Bee published an opinion essay by Pacific Institute President Dr. Peter H. Gleick on the pending renewal of heavily subsidized federal contracts associated with the Central Valley Project in California. Although we welcome criticism and open debate, Lusvardi’s attack against our essay is characterized by intentional distortions, simple errors, misquotations, misleading logic, and ad hominem attacks.

Investing In Clean Agriculture: How California Can Strengthen Agriculture, Reduce Pollution And Save Money
February 8, 2005 | publication
Global competition, suburban encroachment, tighter regulations, and rising input costs are making farming in California more difficult and, in some cases, less profitable.
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