The World’s Water, Volume 3

The World’s Water, Volume 3
The central thrust of the third volume in this highly regarded series is that we must rethink the way we capture, distribute, and use water if we are to meet the challenges of increasing scarcity and growing populations. In the lead chapter, Peter Gleick describes one potential solution to the growing global water crisis: a “soft path” for water, which seeks to deliver water-related services matched to users’ needs as well as resource availability, rather than relying on centralized infrastructure and technology and institutions developed in the 19th and 20th centuries. Chapter 1: The Soft Path for Water Chapter 5: Pacific Island Developing Country Water Resources and Climate Change Table 10: Irrigated Area, by Region, 1961 to 1999 Table 12: Number of Dams, by Continent and Country Table 14: Regional Statistics on Large Dams Table 15: Commissioning of Large Dams in the 20th Century, by DecadeOverview
In this Series