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1448 Resources

New Report Released on Access to Water and Sanitation in California

July 15, 2019 | announcement

A new report released today by the Pacific Institute finds that in 2015, 208,000 Californians lacked toilets, while 211,000 lacked hot and cold running water.

Plumbing the Depths: Californians Without Toilets and Running Water

July 15, 2019 | publication

California’s Human Right to Water law states that “every human being has the right to safe, clean, affordable, and accessible water adequate for human consumption, cooking, and sanitary purposes.”

Water for Life: Building Water-Smart Cities for the Future

July 11, 2019 | video

Cora Kammeyer's presentation at the Cities of Tomorrow Conference in San Francisco.

When the River Meets the Sea

July 10, 2019 | publication

This presentation on the Salton Sea presented by Michael Cohen at the 2019 GWC Summer Conference covers progress at the sea, the Colorado River and the sea, new bargains, and potential solutions.

Multiple Benefits of Water Management Strategies

July 9, 2019 | video

Effective water management can provide a multitude of benefits, such as ensuring sustainable water supplies, reducing flood risk, and improving water quality. In addition, many water management strategies can provide additional benefits to the environment, economy, and society, including providing wildlife habitat, capturing greenhouse gases, and enhancing community livability.

40th Annual GWC Summer Conference Day 2

July 9, 2019 | video

The IG 2.0 could take a variety of forms, from merely tweaking the numbers (e.g., elevation tiers, shortage levels, etc.) in the existing reservoir operations framework to more fundamental (and controversial) changes in how water (and risk) is allocated and managed. What ideas have merit?

Mai-Lan Ha of the Pacific Institute to Speak at “SDGs in Brazil 2019” Conference in New York City

July 5, 2019 | announcement

Mai-Lan Ha of the Pacific Institute will moderate a panel on water and sanitation at the "SDGs in Brazil 2019 - The Role of the Private Sector" conference in New York City on July 16, 2019.

Featured in New York Times

Would You Drink Water Out of a Can?

June 28, 2019 | news

Featured in Water Education Foundation

Can Providing Bathrooms to Homeless Protect California’s Water Quality?

June 27, 2019 | news

Featured in Bloomberg

No, Canned Water Will Not Save the Planet

June 24, 2019 | news

Cora Kammeyer of the Pacific Institute to Speak at Cities of Tomorrow Conference in California

June 18, 2019 | announcement

“Cities of Tomorrow,” a three-day event organized by the Silicon Valley Forum, focuses on the way our current technological advances can help us develop a more sustainable environment scaled to the size of a city.

Michael Cohen of the Pacific Institute to Join SWRCB Meeting in Sacramento

June 14, 2019 | announcement

On June 18th, Michael Cohen, Senior Researcher at the Pacific Institute, will attend the California State Water Resources Control Board’s Salton Sea informational update in Sacramento.

CEO Water Mandate to Co-Convene Roundtable on Integrated Vaal River System

June 11, 2019 | announcement

The Integrated Vaal River System (IVRS) is a strategic national asset providing water for a range of urban, mining, agricultural and industrial uses. The IVRS supports 45% of South Africa’s population and 60% of the national economy, including the Gauteng Province.

Featured in Yale Environment 360

As Water Scarcity Increases, Desalination Plants Are on the Rise

June 11, 2019 | news

Kilimanjaro, Home to a Great Example of Water Stewardship in Action. And the Highest Mountain in Africa.

June 10, 2019 | post

In Tanzania, between Moshi and Arusha, you come across a small town called Usa River, which is situated on the banks of its namesake: the Usa River, a tributary of the Kikuletwa and then eventually Pangani River.

Pacific Institute President Jason Morrison to Attend CWAC Meeting in Tahoe

June 10, 2019 | announcement

From June 11th through 13th, Pacific Institute President Jason Morrison, along with Research Associate Cora Kammeyer, will attend the California Water Action Collaborative (CWAC) spring meeting in Tahoe.

Featured in Wall Street Journal

Lowville Had Lots of Water. Then String Cheese Came to Town.

June 5, 2019 | news

Featured in Reuters

In Los Angeles ‘water colony’, tribes fear a parched future

June 4, 2019 | news

Featured in The Huffington Post

Global Carbon Dioxide Measurements Spike To Record High

June 4, 2019 | news

Featured in Reuters

Running Dry: Competing for Water On A Thirsty Planet

June 3, 2019 | news

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