
409 Resources

Water Rates: Conservation and Revenue Stability – Issue Brief

August 14, 2013 | publication

Supplying water to customers is a business. As in any business, water sales revenues need to be accurately forecasted and balanced against current and long-term future water supply and treatment costs.

Assessing Water Affordability: A Pilot Study in Two Regions of California

August 14, 2013 | publication

A pilot study in California showed that many households, even within affluent communities, routinely spent over the affordability threshold of two percent of their household income on their water bill. The number of water systems with “unaffordable” rates varied by region and measure used, with important implications for policymakers.

Community Reintegration and Employment in Contra Costa County

July 30, 2013 | publication

The Safe Return Project - a participatory action research process in Richmond, California involving formerly incarcerated residents in carrying out research and organizing to increase opportunities for community reintegration...

Global Water Governance in the 21st Century

July 24, 2013 | publication

Growing pressure on global water resources is having major impacts on our social, economic, and environmental well-being.

Water Rates: Communication and Education – Issue Brief

June 30, 2013 | publication

All water service providers must periodically correspond with their customers as well as state and local decision makers. In times of emergency messages can help customers understand what to expect next and when disrupted service might be restored. But regular communication in non-emergency periods is also necessary.

Gearing Up for Action: A Curriculum Guide for Freight Transport Justice

June 6, 2013 | publication

The Pacific Institute’s freight transport justice advocacy work sought to reduce the adverse health impacts of freight transportation on low-income neighborhoods of color closest to freight transport hubs, and to increase the share of the benefits that residents of these communities enjoy.

Preparándose para la Acción

June 6, 2013 | publication

Preparándose para la Acción: Una Guía Curricular para Lograr Justicia en el Transporte de Carga del Pacific Institute ha sido revisada siendo una importante herramienta de abogacía para construir el poder y la capacidad de comunidades para participar en la toma de decisiones en cuanto a temas del transporte de carga.

California Coastal Areas and Infrastructure Vulnerable to Flooding and Erosion 

June 5, 2013 | publication

Downloadable PDF maps from our study that allow you to visualize the impacts of sea level rise on the California Coast.

An Overview of the “New Normal” and Water Rate Basics

June 5, 2013 | publication

In the context of what is referred to as “the new normal”-- increasing costs to provide safe and reliable water supply amidst decreasing demand -- water service providers are facing new challenges in forecasting rates and preparing for future water demand.

Dinámica del Agua Subterránea en el Tramo Limítrofe del Río Colorado

May 23, 2013 | publication

El Río Colorado, derivado y canalizado, así como intensivamente controlado, sólo en raras ocasiones (<10 por ciento de los días) lleva suficiente agua para fluir al menos 32 km más allá de la Presa Morelos, la última presa sobre el río, cerca de la frontera California/Arizona/Baja California.

Groundwater Dynamics in the Colorado River Limitrophe

May 23, 2013 | publication

The Colorado River, diverted and channelized and intensively managed, only rarely has enough water to flow even 20 miles past Morelos Dam, the last dam on the river, near the California/Arizona/Baja California border.

Testimony of Dr. Peter H. Gleick Before the California Assembly Select Committee on Sea Level Rise and the California Economy

May 15, 2013 | publication

This document provides the full testimony of Dr. Peter H. Gleick before the California Assembly Select Committee on Sea Level Rise and the California Economy. 

Water to Supply the Land: Irrigated Agriculture in the Colorado River Basin

May 9, 2013 | publication

Water is scarce in the Colorado River Basin, and the effects of climate change are straining the overspent water supply.

Key Issues in Seawater Desalination in California: Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

May 1, 2013 | publication

California’s water supply is vulnerable to seasonal extremes that are exacerbated by the effects of climate change. Seawater desalination is a reliable source of water, which can be especially valuable during a drought.

Community Resilience Fact Sheets Help Communities Prepare for Climate Change Impacts

April 24, 2013 | publication

As Hurricanes Sandy and Katrina have taught us, climate change is a global process with very localized impacts that can profoundly affect community health and quality of life. These localized impacts, ranging from extreme temperatures to rising sea levels, will disproportionately affect vulnerable populations such as the elderly, renters, low-income residents, limited English speakers, those with pre-existing medical conditions, and those without health or home insurance.

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