Guide to Water-Related Collective Action

Guide to Water-Related Collective Action
Effective collective action is the key to approaching shared water risk successfully. The UN Global Compact’s CEO Water Mandate initiative — which the Pacific Institute is co-secretariat for — released this guide in 2013 in order to provide a step-by-step guide to water resource-related collective action. The guide aims to help businesses develop strategies focused on effective, sustainable, and equitable external engagements related to water. It is built around the idea that corporate management processes are often iterative and cyclical, as opposed to linear. The guide can be used in conjunction with the CEO Water Mandate’s Water Action Hub, an online platform for companies, governments, NGOs, and other stakeholders to collaborate on a range of critical water projects in river basins around the world. It was produced in partnership with Ross Strategic, Pegasys Strategy, and Water Futures Partnership.
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