The World’s Water, Volume 9

The World’s Water, Volume 9
Volume 9 in the The World’s Water book series offers insights into critical global water problems, overviews of data and analysis around water use and management, and case studies of some of the greatest water challenges around the world. It provides analysis on corporate water stewardship, the human right to water and sanitation, water-use trends in the United States, the water footprint of California energy, the consequences of the severe five-year California drought, water markets and economic strategies for water management, and the cost of alternative water supply and demand strategies. Additionally, concise “water briefs” provide updates on water’s role in conflict around the globe, a meeting held at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in the Vatican on the human right to water, and critical issues around public access to water through drinking fountains.
Available for purchase as pdf here.
The World’s Water Volume 9 is also available in the following formats:
As a print-on-demand softcover book for $55.00.
As a Kindle ebook for $9.99.