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1448 Resources

Op-Ed: Water Resilience in the Age of COVID-19

August 12, 2020 | publication

In the past few weeks, communities around the country have experienced record-breaking rain, heat, hurricanes, and drought. We have seen flooding from failed dams and levees, as well as fires from unseasonably dry forests and grasslands.

Featured in The Hill

Heat waves to heighten energy and water insecurity during COVID-19

August 10, 2020 | news

Featured in The Mercury News

Decline in Hydropower Hampered by Drought Will Impact Utility Costs

August 9, 2020 | news

New Report Finds Opportunities for Improving Long-Range Water Demand Forecasts

August 5, 2020 | announcement

August 5, 2020, Oakland, California – A new report from the Pacific Institute, An Assessment of Urban Water Demand Forecasts in California, finds that urban water suppliers in California routinely overestimate long-range water demand.

An Assessment of Urban Water Demand Forecasts in California

August 5, 2020 | publication

In California, urban per capita water demand has declined dramatically over the past several decades, driven in part by greater uptake of water-efficient devices.

New Report Explores Nature-Based Solutions for Business Resilience

August 3, 2020 | announcement

August 3, 2020, Oakland, California – A new report co-authored by the Pacific Institute examines contemporary thinking around nature-based solutions (NBS) for the business sector and identifies key opportunities and challenges to implementing NBS for businesses.

Benefit Accounting of Nature-Based Solutions for Watersheds Landscape Assessment

August 3, 2020 | publication

Nature-based solution (NBS) can improve degraded ecosystems, help sequester carbon, and manage the effects of climate change, including extreme weather events. Businesses are beginning to recognize the value of NBS for climate change mitigation, adaptation, and resilience.

Why Should Your Business Be Interested in Nature-Based Solutions for Watersheds?

August 3, 2020 | post

As large users of natural resources, including water, the private sector has disproportionate impacts and dependencies on natural capital.

Pacific Institute to Present Virtual Sessions for World Water Week

August 2, 2020 | announcement

Each year, World Water Week in Stockholm brings together experts and stakeholders from around the globe to converse on global water issues. Although World Water Week in Stockholm was cancelled this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Stockholm International Water Institute, which sponsors the event, is coordinating virtual sessions.

Water and COVID-19: From Risk to Resilience

July 29, 2020 | video

Jason Morrison, Heather Cooley, and Morgan Shimabuku discuss COVID-19 and its effects on water resilience.

Final California Water Resilience Portfolio Released: What’s There, What’s Missing

July 29, 2020 | post

In January 2020, California state agencies released a draft document meant to signify a new chapter in California water. Now, six months later and after extensive public consultation, the final draft of the Water Resilience Portfolio has arrived.

Comment Letter on USEPA WaterSense Program

July 29, 2020 | publication

This comment letter submitted to the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) expresses strong support for both maintaining and strengthening the WaterSense Program at the USEPA, and includes specific recommendations for improving the program. 

July 2020 Newsletter

July 28, 2020 | announcement

The monthly newsletter features the Pacific Institute’s research, publications, news about past and upcoming Institute staff outreach efforts, and media coverage of its work and analysis.

Featured in GreenBiz

How Cargill’s New Science-Based Water Targets Go with the Flow

July 27, 2020 | news

Featured in the South China Morning Post

Global Warming and Illegal Land Reclamation Add to Severe Floods in China

July 19, 2020 | news

Água e a Pandemia da COVID-19: Um Plano Empresarial para Água e COVID-19: Ações Práticas para Conter a Pandemia

July 17, 2020 | publication

Para combater a propagação da COVID-19 e reconstruir nossas economias durante e após a pandemia, uma ação coletiva em relação à água é essencial. Tal ação pode ajudar não apenas a conter o vírus, como também a realizar o direito humano à água e acelerar a economia “azul”, na qual o bem-estar econômico e a resiliência hídrica se reforçam mutuamente. A comunidade empresarial pode desempenhar um papel fundamental no combate à disseminação da COVID-19, bem como reconstruir a economia e reduzir o risco de choques futuros. 

New Issue Brief Explores a Business Framework for Water and COVID-19

July 16, 2020 | announcement

July 16, 2020, Oakland, California – A new Issue Brief from the Pacific Institute explores the role of the business community in combatting the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, rebuilding the economy, and reducing the risk of future shocks through action on water.

Water and the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Business Framework for Water & COVID-19: Practical Actions to Contain the Pandemic

July 16, 2020 | publication

To combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus and rebuild our economies during and after the pandemic, collective action on water is essential. Such action can help not only to contain the virus, but also to realize the human right to water and accelerate the “blue” economy, whereby economic well-being and water resilience mutually reinforce one another.

What Can We Learn from Setting Site Water Targets in South Africa and India?

July 15, 2020 | post

Setting site water targets is a business imperative to reduce water risk and improve water security. Every water catchment has a unique set of water challenges. 

New Case Studies Explore Site-Level Water Targets in India and South Africa

July 14, 2020 | announcement

July 14, 2020, Oakland, California -- Today the Pacific Institute released two case studies on setting site-level, contextual corporate water targets. While focused on river basins in India and South Africa, lessons learned from these case studies can be applied in other regions around the world.

Setting Site Water Targets Informed by Catchment Context CASE STUDY: Noyyal-Bhavani River Basin, South India

July 14, 2020 | publication

The world’s water resources are under increasing pressure from rising water consumption, pollution, and climate variability. The variety of water challenges companies face, from water governance issues to extreme events like drought, manifest in the river basins where the companies operate. Therefore, setting meaningful targets requires companies to take the local context of their operations into consideration.

Setting Site Water Targets Informed by Catchment Context CASE STUDY: Upper Vaal River Basin and Berg and Breede River Basins, South Africa

July 14, 2020 | publication

The world’s water resources are under increasing pressure from rising water consumption, pollution, and climate variability. The variety of water challenges companies face, from water governance issues to extreme events like drought, manifest in the river basins where the companies operate. Therefore, setting meaningful targets requires companies to take the local context of their operations into consideration.

Featured in Green Sense Radio

Water Usage Reduction During COVID-19

July 11, 2020 | news

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