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1402 Resources

Featured in KQED Newscast

Most of California is in Extreme or Severe Categories of Drought

May 14, 2021 | news

The Impacts of the Pandemic Remain for Small Water Systems and Customers In-Debt

May 13, 2021 | post

In the U.S., the vital responsibility of continuing safe water supply during the pandemic is decentralized, spread among nearly 50,000 community water systems. More than 45,000 of these are small community water systems (SCWS), serving fewer than 10,000 people each. Together, SCWS provide water to more than 53 million people — 18 percent of the national population — across urban and rural areas, on tribal reservations, in the midst of larger utilities in huge metropolises, and in growing communities.

Significant COVID-19 Impacts on Some U.S. Small Community Water Systems, Finds New Report

May 13, 2021 | announcement

May 13, Oakland, California -- The COVID-19 pandemic has had significant impacts on some small community water systems in the U.S., finds a new report from the Pacific Institute, the Rural Community Assistance Partnership, and the Rural Community Assistance Corporation. Customer Debt and Lost Revenue: The Financial Impacts of COVID-19 on Small Community Water Systems finds that in some cases small community waster system losses led to these systems operating at a deficit, delaying maintenance and capital projects, or increasing rates for customers, with revenue losses of up to 30%. Providing financial assistance at the federal level would boost small community water system resilience, ensuring access to safe, affordable water for the millions of Americans who rely on these systems.

Customer Debt and Declining Revenues: The Financial Impacts of COVID-19 on Small Community Water Systems

May 13, 2021 | publication

More than 45,000 small community water systems exist in the United States. These small community water systems, defined as those serving fewer than 10,000 people, are distributed across the country. Altogether they serve 53 million people across rural and urban settings, on Tribal reservations, in the midst of huge metropolises, and in growing communities.

Nature-Based Solutions Webinar Series: From Theory to Practice

May 5, 2021 | video

How the benefit accounting of the nature-based solutions method aligns with real-world projects across forest and wetland habitats.

Drinking Water Cost Assessment & Gap Analysis

April 30, 2021 | publication

In 2012, California’s Human Right to Water was passed, calling for safe, clean, affordable, and accessible water for all citizens. Then in 2016, the California State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) adopted a Human Right to Water Resolution, making the Human Right to Water a primary consideration and priority across its programs.

“Brave Blue World” Virtual Screening and Panel Discussion

April 19, 2021 | video

In this Pacific Institute and California Water Environment Association webinar, Pacific Institute Director of Research Heather Cooley and a panel of California wastewater experts took a closer look at what we can do to solve the water crisis, in California and beyond. Experts explored technological and policy solutions, and the role of innovation. To learn more about the global water crisis and innovative solutions, watch "Brave Blue World," available on Netflix.

Op-Ed: Yes, California is in a Drought — Even if Officials Aren’t Saying it out Loud

April 16, 2021 | publication

California is suffering from severe drought again. This winter produced water conditions far below normal for the second year in a row, the eighth year in the last 10, the 14th year in the last 20. Los Angeles has had 39% of normal precipitation; San Diego, only 30%; San Francisco, 37%; Sacramento, less than 40%.

April 2021 Newsletter

April 14, 2021 | announcement

The monthly newsletter features the Pacific Institute’s research, publications, news about past and upcoming Institute staff outreach efforts, and media coverage of its work and analysis.

California Water System Assessment Will Inform Upcoming Funding Priorities

April 9, 2021 | announcement

April 9, 2021, Sacramento, California -- The State Water Resources Control Board announced today the completion of its first-ever comprehensive look at California water systems that are struggling to provide safe drinking water to communities and how to help them. The Pacific Institute contributed to the  Gap Analysis and Appendix D. With criteria for the state’s Human Right to Water list recently expanded, the assessment identifies both failing water systems and those at risk of failing, offering the most in depth view of long-term drinking water safety the state has ever had.

President Biden’s Infrastructure Plan Proposes Billions of Dollars in Water Investments

April 1, 2021 | announcement

April 1, 2021, Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, President Joe Biden introduced The American Jobs Plan, a $2 trillion proposed infrastructure investment plan for the United States. The plan, framed as a jobs investment and post-pandemic rebuilding strategy, calls for spending on water, energy, transportation, and communications infrastructure, as well as research and development.

Biden Infrastructure Plan: Water Components

March 31, 2021 | post

Earlier today, President Biden announced the first components of his proposed $2 trillion national infrastructure plan to rebuild failing, aging, and outdated water, energy, transportation, and communications systems. While the current information provides only the broadest outlines of his proposals, and the details will have to be worked out in specific legislation to be debated in Congress, it is clearly the most ambitious plan to have been put forward in many years.

Analysis Examines Gaps in Funding Solutions for Human Right to Water and At-Risk Drinking Water Systems in California

March 30, 2021 | announcement

March 30, 2021, Oakland, California -- The California State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) recently released Gap Analysis for Funding Solutions for Human Right to Water and At-Risk Drinking Water Systems. The white paper provides an overview of the methodology for an upcoming study that will analyze the gap between the funding needs and available funding sources for the Human Right to Water in California, as well as at-risk water systems and domestic wells across the state. The Pacific Institute is currently undertaking this analysis.

March 2021 Newsletter

March 25, 2021 | announcement

The monthly newsletter features the Pacific Institute’s research, publications, news about past and upcoming Institute staff outreach efforts, and media coverage of its work and analysis.

Featured in GreenBiz

The Texas Nexus: What the Absence of a US Water Strategy Looks Like

March 22, 2021 | news

Featured in AGNet West

Understanding the California Water Futures Market

March 17, 2021 | news

On World Water Day, Reflecting on the Value of Water  

March 16, 2021 | post

Water is one of the most valuable resources on the planet — we need it to survive, to stay clean and healthy, to grow food, to run businesses, to support ecosystems, and so much more. 

Featured in The Good Men Project

Stormwater Could Become an Important Water Source- If We Stopped Ignoring It

March 12, 2021 | news

Implications of California’s Water Futures Market 

March 9, 2021 | post

In California’s Water Futures Market: Explained, Cora Kammeyer describes how futures markets operate generally and the particulars of California’s version. This new water futures market has attracted considerable attention and hyperbole. Here we explore the potential implications of this novel financial tool through the lens of California water supply reliability. 

February 2021 Newsletter

March 8, 2021 | announcement

The monthly newsletter features the Pacific Institute’s research, publications, news about past and upcoming Institute staff outreach efforts, and media coverage of its work and analysis.

How to Identify and Account for the Benefits of Nature-Based Solutions for Watersheds

March 5, 2021 | video

This webinar was the first in a three-part series and aimed to inform those looking to invest in NBS on how to identify and account for the NBS benefits accrued.

New Guide on Benefit Accounting of Nature-Based Solutions for Watersheds

March 4, 2021 | announcement

March 4, 2021, Oakland, California -- A new guide published by the Pacific Institute and partners provides guidance on how to account for the benefits of nature-based solutions. Benefit Accounting of Nature-Based Solution for Watersheds: Guide helps readers identify and account for the stacked combined water, carbon, and biodiversity benefits provided by these solutions, as well as additional socio-economic benefits accrued.

Benefit Accounting of Nature-Based Solutions for Watersheds: Guide

March 4, 2021 | publication

Nature-based solutions use or mimic natural processes to meet societal and environmental needs. They can be used to restore, manage, or protect water resources while also increasing biodiversity and providing additional social and economic benefits. Yet there is no standardized method to identify, estimate, and monitor the benefits that nature-based solutions can provide, making it hard to build the case for investments in these solutions.

Featured in Circle of Blue

Speaking of Water: Michael Cohen on the Salton Sea

March 4, 2021 | news

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