Waste Not, Want Not: The Potential for Urban Water Conservation in California

Waste Not, Want Not: The Potential for Urban Water Conservation in California
Despite the progress California has already made in improving water efficiency, “Waste Not, Want Not” estimates that up to one-third of California’s current urban water use — more than 2.3 million acre-feet — can be saved using existing technology. And at least 85% of this savings (over 2 million acre-feet) can be saved at costs below what it will cost to tap into new sources of supply and without the social, environmental, and economic impacts that any major water project will bring.
Appendix A: Indoor Residential Water Use and the Potential for Conservation Appendix B: Outdoor Residential Water Use and the Potential for Conservation Appendix C: Industrial and Commercial Water Use: Glossary, Data, and Methods of Analysis Appendix D: Details of Commercial and Industrial Assumptions, by End Use Appendix E: Details of Commercial Water Use and Potential Savings, by Sector Appendix F: Details of Industrial Water Use and Potential Savings, by Sector Appendix G: CII Conservation Potential by Region: DiscussionOverview