The World’s Water, Volume 6

The World’s Water, Volume 6
Pacific Institute President and series editor Peter Gleick, with Institute coauthors Heather Cooley, Michael Cohen, Mari Morikawa, Jason Morrison, and Meena Palaniappan addresses the ever-more-pressing issues of our use and misuse of the world’s freshwater resources. Topics range from peak water, China’s water crisis, and climate change impacts and adaptations, to updates on the Millennium Development Goals, business reporting on water, and urban water use efficiency. Twenty new data tables provide a definitive resource for everyone concerned with sustainable water use, including the eye-opening chart of “The Water Content of Things.” Available for purchase from Island Press.
Chapter 1: Peak Water Chapter 5: China and Water Water Brief 2: Past and Future of Salton Sea Water Brief 3: Three Gorges Dam Project, Yangtze River, China Table 5: MDG Progress on Access to Safe Drinking Water by Region Table 19: Water Content of Things
In this Series