The World’s Water, Volume 8

The World’s Water, Volume 8
The newest volume in this highly regarded series, The World’s Water, vol. 8 features chapters on hydraulic fracturing (fracking), water footprints, sustainable water jobs, and desalination financing, among other timely issues. Water briefs provide concise updates on topics including the Dead Sea and the role of water in the Syrian conflict. Pacific Institute President Peter Gleick is series editor, with coauthors Newsha Ajami, Juliet Christian-Smith, Heather Cooley, Kristina Donnelly, Julian Fulton, Mai-Lan Ha, Matthew Heberger, Eli Moore, Jason Morrison, Stuart Orr, Peter Schulte, and Veena Srinivasan. Twenty-four data tables provide an invaluable resource for analyzing the state of the world’s water, accessibility, sustainability, attitudes, and more including top environmental concerns and total water footprint of national consumption, by sector and country. There is also a fun Water Brief on “Zombie Water Projects.” Available for purchase from Island Press or Amazon.
Chapter 1: Global Water Governance in the Twenty-First Century Chapter 4: Hydraulic Fracturing and Water Resources: What Do We Have to Know? Water Brief 2: The Red Sea-Dead Sea Project Update Water Brief 3: Water Conflict: Events, Trends, and Analysis Table 1: Total Renewable Freshwater Supply, by Country (2011 Update) Table 2: Freshwater Withdrawal, by Country and Sector (2013 Update) Table 3a and 3b: Access to Improved Drinking Water by Country, 1970–2008 & 2011 Update Table 4a and 4b: Access to Improved Sanitation by Country, 1970–2008 & 2011 Update Table 9: Area Equipped for Irrigation Actually Irrigated Table 15: Total Water Footprint of National Consumption, by Sector and Country, 1996–2005
In this Series