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1417 Resources

November 2019 Newsletter

November 18, 2019 | announcement

The monthly newsletter features the Pacific Institute’s research, publications, news about past and upcoming Institute staff outreach efforts, and media coverage of its work and analysis.

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Three Essential Ingredients to Resilient Agricultural Supply Chains

November 15, 2019 | publication

Agricultural workers are expected to be some of the worst affected from the projected impacts of climate change, resulting in sixty percent of work hours lost due to heat stress in 2030. Climate change will also significantly the water cycle, introducing greater uncertainty into agricultural supply chain operations.

Putting the Water Action Hub into Action in the Apparel Sector

November 14, 2019 | post

How often do you think about where that new jacket you just bought was made? Or how much water was used to make it? As consumers in this rapidly expanding and globalized world, it is easy to forget the resources that go into making something that we buy with a click in the comfort of our homes.

Giuliana Moreira of the Pacific Institute to Moderate Panel at World Toilet Summit in Sao Paulo

November 13, 2019 | announcement

Around the world, many people still lack access to water and sanitation, with more than a billion people lacking access to a toilet. To address this issue globally and also explore the issue in the Brazilian context, this November Sao Paulo, Brazil is hosting the World Toilet Summit, where Giuliana Moreira of the Pacific Institute will serve as a moderator.

Pacific Institute Researchers to Speak at Sustainable Water Markets Symposium in Santa Barbara

November 10, 2019 | announcement

On November 22nd, Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Dr. Sarah Diringer and Research Associate Cora Kammeyer will attend the Sustainable Water Markets Symposium at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Featured in Bloomberg

America’s Biggest Problems are Intensified in California

November 7, 2019 | news

Featured in The Hindu Business Line

India Must Pay Attention to Water Use by Industries

November 6, 2019 | news

Violence over Water Increases: New Data from the Water Conflict Chronology

November 5, 2019 | announcement

The Pacific Institute has just released a major update to its Water Conflict Chronology, adding over 300 new instances of armed conflicts associated with water resources and water systems, identified from news reports, eyewitness accounts, and other conflict databases.

Featured in National Geographic

Thirsty Future Ahead as Climate Change Explodes Plant Growth

November 4, 2019 | news

Featured in San Francisco Chronicle

Power Outages Hit Some of State’s Poorest Communities Hard

November 3, 2019 | news

Giuliana Moreira of the Pacific Institute to Speak at Sustainable Development Goals Festival

November 3, 2019 | announcement

Giuliana Chaves Moreira of the Pacific Institute will join a panel at the Sustainable Development Goals Festival in Sao Paulo, Brazil on November 13th, 2019. The festival is held by the Public Agenda in support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Featured in San Francisco Chronicle

No Heat, No Light? Not So Bad. No Water? Much Worse.

October 31, 2019 | news

How to Set Meaningful Site Water Targets

October 29, 2019 | post

Climate change is impacting all regions of the world, cutting across all sectors of society. It is closely connected to water resources, leading to more floods, droughts, poor water quality, and increased water demand due to higher temperatures – more water is needed for irrigation, drinking water, and industrial cooling.

Karina de Souza of Pacific Institute to Attend Alliance for Water Stewardship Global Water Stewardship Forum

October 29, 2019 | announcement

On November 12th and 13th, Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Karina de Souza will attend the Alliance for Water Stewardship Global Water Stewardship Forum.

Giuliana Chaves Moreira of Pacific Institute to Attend Brazilian Conference on Climate Change

October 25, 2019 | announcement

Pacific Institute Research Associate Giuliana Chaves Moreira will participate in the panel “Climate Resilience and Water Security: How Can Collective Action Contribute to Reversing This Scenario?” at the Brazilian Conference on Climate Change in Recife, Brazil.

Tien Shiao of the Pacific Institute to Speak at Responsible Business Alliance Conference

October 20, 2019 | announcement

Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Tien Shiao will be a panelist at the 2019 Responsible Business Conference in Santa Clara, California on October 21st and 22nd.

October 2019 Newsletter

October 14, 2019 | announcement

The monthly newsletter features the Pacific Institute’s research, publications, news about past and upcoming Institute staff outreach efforts, and media coverage of its work and analysis.

Pacific to Co-Host Salton Sea Summit in Palm Desert October 17th and 18th

October 11, 2019 | announcement

With the generous support of the Water Foundation and the Bureau of Reclamation, the Pacific Institute and the University of California, Riverside will host a Salton Sea Summit October 17th to 18th at the University of California, Riverside's Palm Desert campus.

Featured on Bloomberg

Rivers All Across the Globe Are Dropping

October 2, 2019 | news

Dr. Feinstein of Pacific Institute to Speak on Water Quality and Homelessness in California

October 1, 2019 | announcement

Senior Researcher Dr. Laura Feinstein of the Pacific Institute will speak at the California Central Coast Water Resources Control Board workshop on Water Quality and Homelessness on Thursday, October 3rd in Sacramento.

Pacific Institute to Assess to Risks and Solutions for California Drinking Water

September 26, 2019 | announcement

California’s Human Right to Water, passed in 2012, calls for safe, clean, affordable, and accessible water for all citizens. Yet while this statute has served as the touchstone for drinking water and sanitation efforts in the state, the human right to water and sanitation remains unrealized in many California communities.

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