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1417 Resources

Turning the Delta Ruling into Opportunity

September 9, 2007 | publication

On Aug. 31, a federal judge acknowledged what many people have long known -- we have run up against the limits of our water supplies. U.S. District Judge Oliver Wanger ruled that state and federal water managers must change how they operate California's water system to reduce environmental harm.

Op-Ed: Salton Sea – A Time for Action

August 19, 2007 | publication

The Salton Sea lies 470 miles southeast of San Francisco, a vast, cursed salt lake far from the minds of most in the Bay Area. Part of the Salton Sea's curse is that it is so distant, so different from most people's experiences.

Saving Water Makes Cents for Valley Businesses

August 13, 2007 | publication

Contrary to popular belief, growth in California's population, economy and water use is no longer linked. From 1975 to 2001, our population increased by 60 percent and gross state product increased by 250 percent.

A Review of the SFPUC’s Retail and Wholesale Customer Water Demand Projections

July 26, 2007 | publication

In an effort to satisfy the future water needs of its wholesale customers, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) commissioned a series of comprehensive assessments on the area’s future water demand, conservation potential, and recycled water potential.

Panic Makes for Poor Policy

July 15, 2007 | post

Ignoring a problem tends to make it worse. A worsening problem tends to lead to panic. Panic tends to make for bad public policy. Welcome to 21st century California water policy.

The CEO Water Mandate: A Call to Action and Strategic Framework

July 15, 2007 | publication

As leaders of business organizations we recognize that the private sector has an important stake in helping to address the water challenge faced by the world today.

Constitution of the CEO Water Mandate

July 11, 2007 | publication

The CEO Water Mandate (the Mandate) was launched in July 2007. The Mandate is a voluntary, business-led initiative in partnership with the UN Global Compact.

The Fish and the Whales

May 31, 2007 | publication

A version of this essay was originally printed in the San Francisco Chronicle on May 31, 2007. The Terminator may soon become Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's official title, not just his humorous nickname.

Hummer versus Prius: “Dust to Dust” Report Misleads the Media and Public with Bad Science

May 26, 2007 | publication

The claim that a Hummer H3 SUV has a lower life-cycle energy cost than a Toyota Prius hybrid caught the interest of the media and the public when the automotive marketing company CNW Marketing Research, Inc. released its 2007 study, “Dust to Dust: The Energy Cost of New Vehicles From Concept to Disposal.”

The Human Right to Water

May 10, 2007 | publication

Billions of people lack access to safe drinking water and sanitation services. The failure of the international aid community, nations, and local organizations to satisfy these basic human needs has led to substantial, unnecessary, and preventable human suffering. This article explores the human right to water in international law and the implications of this right within a resource-constrained world.

Corporate Reporting on Water: A Review of Eleven Global Industries

May 2, 2007 | publication

This report analyzes corporate sustainability and corporate social responsibility reports from 139 of the largest companies in 11 water-intensive industry sectors.

The Political and Selective Use of Data: Cherry-Picking Climate Data in the White House

March 12, 2007 | publication

On February 7, 2007, White House Press Secretary Tony Snow bragged that the United States was doing better than Europe in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, despite the fact that the European Union had adopted a carbon cap system and the U.S. had not.

Comments on Restoration of the Salton Sea Summary Report

March 5, 2007 | publication

This letter to Mike Walker, Salton Sea Study Program Manager at the California Bureau of Reclamation, from the Pacific Institute and the Sierra Club comments on the Bureau of Reclamation’s Restoration of the Salton Sea Summary Report.

Bottled Water and Energy Fact Sheet

February 26, 2007 | publication

The growing consumption of bottled water raises questions about the product’s economic and environmental costs.

Salton Sea Early Start Habitat

February 21, 2007 | publication

This letter to Mike Chrisman, Secretary for Resources at the Resources Agency, from members of the Salton Sea Advisory Committee and the Sierra Club, Audubon California, the Pacific Institute, California Outdoor Heritage Alliance, and Defenders of Wildlife urges expedited development and implementation of "Early Start Habitat" at the Salton Sea.

Colorado River Plan

February 15, 2007 | publication

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Drop 2 Storage Reservoir Project Draft Environmental Assessment...

Lower Colorado River: Proposed Drop 2 Storage Reservoir Project

February 10, 2007 | post

On February 15, 2007, the Pacific Institute joined several other NGOs in submitting comments on the Bureau of Reclamation’s proposed Drop 2 Storage Reservoir Project (for more information on Reclamation’s proposed project).

Results of Survey on the Current and Future CSR Landscape

January 7, 2007 | publication

The proliferation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) standards and initiatives demonstrates increasing awareness around advancing sustainability in the private sector. Yet further coordination is needed among these initiatives to strengthen their effectiveness and credibility.

U.S. Dumps State Plan For Saving Water

January 6, 2007 | publication

For six years the Bush administration has refused to take any serious actions nationwide to improve energy and water efficiency.

Port of Oakland Maritime Air Quality Improvement Plan (MAQIP)

December 26, 2006 | publication

In the fall of 2006, the Port of Oakland announced plans to develop a Maritime Air Quality Improvement Plan (MAQIP) that would serve as its roadmap and master planning document for air quality improvement measures.

Paying With Our Health: The Real Cost of Freight Transport in California

November 26, 2006 | publication

Pollution from freight transport severely burdens Californians, especiallyt he predominantly low-income people of color living close to freight transport hubs.

Assessing the Long-Term Outlook for Current Business Models in the Construction and Provision of Water Infrastructure and Services

November 21, 2006 | publication

The water sector faces serious challenges. The failure to meet basic human needs for water; difficulties in meeting the financial requirements for maintaining, extending, and upgrading both.

Bottled Water: An Update

November 2, 2006 | publication

The 2004 volume of The World’s Water discussed the growing phenomenon of bottled use around the world, particularly in regions where high-quality tap water is available, as in most of North America and Western Europe (Gleick 2004).

The World’s Water, Volume 5

November 2, 2006 | publication

In The World’s Water 2006-2007, Pacific Institute President Emeritus and series editor Peter Gleick convened Pacific Institute staff and others in presenting the fifth edition, covering some of the most significant current worldwide water issues: * water and terrorism, * preserving and restoring instream water allocations, * an update of seawater desalination, * the growing risks of floods and droughts, * environmental justice for water, * water risks facing industry, and * updated information on bottled water, international disputes over water, and the discovery of water on Mars.

SFGate: Flushing Water and Money Down the Drain

October 12, 2006 | post

Exciting developments in the high-efficiency toilet market may sound like an oxymoron. But installing these water-efficient fixtures throughout California could free up more water than any proposed reservoir or water-supply project ...

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