Water Resilience Assessment Framework Guidance for Basin Managers and Planning Authorities

Water Resilience Assessment Framework Guidance for Basin Managers and Planning Authorities

Published: August 2024

Authors: Ashok Chapagain, Gregg Brill, and Jed Young

Pages: 95

Water Resilience Assessment Framework Guidance for Basin Managers and Planning Authorities


By fostering smarter resilience strategies, effective actions and clear monitoring, this document empowers BMPA in building systemwide resilience in three ways:

  1. This guidance sheds light on how water resilience is interconnected across the entire basin. This shift from siloed solutions to a broader understanding guides the development of better strategies, plans and policies. This holistic approach also clarifies limitations, ensuring everyone aligns their efforts with shared goals.
  2. This guidance equips BMPA to pinpoint actions that truly strengthen water resilience. By understanding the real impact of these actions, BMPA can focus on making a significant difference, avoiding wasted effort.
  3. This guidance provides the tools to choose and track the right indicators, measure the state of resilience and keep everyone informed about progress in resilience planning and implementation. This transparency fosters accountability and collaboration, ensuring stakeholders are engaged and empowered.
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