Climate Change and Urbanisation: Building Resilience in the Urban Water Sector– A Case Study of Indore, India

Climate Change and Urbanisation: Building Resilience in the Urban Water Sector– A Case Study of Indore, India
Thousands of cities in the developing world face rising pressures on water resources due to population growth and urbanization, which are intensified by the effects of climate change. In these cities, informal water managers often play an important role in regulating water supply. With a focus on the water situation in Indore, India, this report explores policy solutions and stakeholder engagement tools garnered from the input of both formal and informal water managers. The report suggests that coordinating the formal and informal water sectors, improving water storage and management, and bringing community voices into water planning are critical to sustainable water management in developing countries, especially for the urban poor, who are most vulnerable to water scarcity. This report was produced in collaboration with the Institute for Environmental Transition (ISET) and TARU Leading Edge.Overview