Peter Gleick Testifies on Urban Water Use Efficiency for State Water Resources Control Board

Peter Gleick Testifies on Urban Water Use Efficiency for State Water Resources Control Board
Dr. Peter Gleick, president of the Pacific Institute and one of the world’s leading experts on freshwater issues, testified on February 26, 2014 on strategies for addressing the California drought to the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). Recognizing that the drought is having far-reaching effects that are likely to intensify if dry conditions persist, Gleick offered key recommendations from the Pacific Institute for changes in strategy, policy, and approach to greatly expand the efficiency of urban water use in California. “The magnitude of the current drought has brought California’s water use and management issues into sharper focus,” said Gleick, a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences who has worked on California water issues for over thirty years. “The drought will have serious consequences for California communities, but it also offers opportunities to address long-standing and unresolved water management issues.” Gleick offered recommendations from the Pacific Institute to the SWRCB on urban water use and efficiency to help the state deal with the current drought – and with the reality of a drier water future for California with climate change. His recommendations include: Gleick offered other policy recommendations, as well, including requiring all new loans, grants, and permits to be issued only to agencies that include full water-use reporting and meet baseline efficiency targets, and requiring stormwater retention and treatment for all new development. The State should also conduct a detailed assessment of the quality of water required to meet end uses and the quality of waters available, with a requirement to rapidly expand the use of recycled/treated wastewater, eventually eliminating the discharge of treated wastewater into the ocean. The Pacific Institute has been at the forefront of research and solution-finding for water issues in the West for 26 years. The Institute’s 2003 report Waste Not, Want Not put real numbers on the potential for improving water efficiency in residential, commercial, and industrial settings, and California Water 2030 described in detail a “high efficiency” scenario that will cut wasteful water use by 20 percent without harming the economy or quality of life in California. Much of the work of the Institute on efficiency has been adopted by the Department of Water Resources in their long-term California Water Plan.Overview