Benefit Accounting of Nature-Based Solutions for Watersheds: Guide

Benefit Accounting of Nature-Based Solutions for Watersheds: Guide
Nature-based solutions use or mimic natural processes to meet societal and environmental needs. They can be used to restore, manage, or protect water resources while also increasing biodiversity and providing additional social and economic benefits.
Yet there is no standardized method to identify, estimate, and monitor the benefits that nature-based solutions can provide, making it hard to build the case for investments in these solutions. This guide builds on the Benefit Accounting of Nature-Based Solutions for Watersheds Landscape Assessment [hyperlink], which highlights the barriers for businesses to implement nature-based solutions on a large scale. The guide outlines which specific nature-based solutions can be implemented in various habitats, and suggests methods for measuring the benefits.
The guide was developed by the CEO Water Mandate, the Pacific Institute, The Nature Conservancy, Danone, and LimnoTech.