
Giuliana Chaves Moreira of Pacific Institute to Attend Brazilian Conference on Climate Change

Giuliana Chaves Moreira of Pacific Institute to Attend Brazilian Conference on Climate Change

On November 7th, Pacific Institute Research Associate Giuliana Chaves Moreira will participate in the panel “Climate Resilience and Water Security: How Can Collective Action Contribute to Reversing This Scenario?” at the Brazilian Conference on Climate Change in Recife, Brazil. This panel will be focused on SDG 6 and 13, bringing together experts from various sectors NGOs, public and private institutions, and academia to discuss which innovative solutions are being adopted to deal with increasingly frequent water crisis scenarios. The panel will discuss some of the key step’s companies should consider taking to cope with potential impacts of climate change and related water hazards on direct operations, value chains, and local communities, and act to strengthen climate resilience.

The Brazilian Conference on Climate Change is an annual meeting that brings together non-governmental organizations, governments, the scientific community, the private sector, the public sector, and social movements for three days of dialogue and the formulation of proposals for the implementation of the Brazilian Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). It is a collective, multisectoral and nonpartisan initiative. Its program will be based on the Brazilian NDC, Paris Agreement, and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.
This year the conference will be held on November 6 through November 8 in Recife, Brazil.
Other speakers in the panel will include André Ramalho of Braskem, Beatriz Kiss of FGV, Samuel Barreto of The Nature Conservatory, and Thiago Piazzeto of Fundação Grupo Boticário.

The “Climate Resilience and Water Security” panel will be held on November 7th, 2019 from 2:00 until 5:00 GMT-3 in the auditorium on the third floor of the Paço Alfândega Shopping Center in Recife, Brazil.

Learn more about this event here.

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