Senior Researcher Dr. Laura Feinstein of the Pacific Institute will speak at the California Central Coast Water Resources Control Board workshop on Water Quality and Homelessness at the California Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board on Thursday, October 3rd in San Luis Obispo.
The workshop, which will be live streamed, will focus on water quality and homelessness issues on California’s Central Coast. Dr. Feinstein will speak on the panel “Overview of the Situation in California and the Roles of the State and Regional Water Boards.” Other speakers include Max Gomberg of the State Water Board and Monique Limón of the California State Assembly.
Homelessness is an increasing problem in Central California and poses dangers to the homeless, communities, and the environment. Those experiencing homelessness often lack access to clean, safe drinking water and sanitation, an important human right, while homeless encampments can leave behind trash, drug paraphernalia, and human waste, which are a hazard to the environment and to other people.
Improving access to emergency shelters, social services, clean drinking water, sanitation services, and affordable housing can help reduce impacts to central coast streams by providing interim and long-term solutions, thereby reducing the occurrence of streamside homeless encampments.
The purpose of the workshop is to explore and find solutions to homelessness and the issues that derive from it. It is part of the Central Coast Water Board’s effort to work with government agencies, non-profits, and communities to reduce instances of homelessness and the resulting environmental damage and public health dangers.
The Pacific Institute has published several leading reports on water and sanitation access in California, most recently Plumbing the Depths: Californians Without Toilets and Running Water, which measures the number of Californians without toilets and hot and cold running water because of incomplete household plumbing and homelessness.
The event will take place on Thursday, October 3rd, 2019, from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. PST at the Central Coast Water Board Office at 895 Aerovista Place, Suite 101; San Luis Obispo, CA 93401.
View more information and register for the event here.
The event will be live streamed here.