
Upcoming Paris Session on Common Water Accounting Framework

Upcoming Paris Session on Common Water Accounting Framework

Principles for Responsible Investment is convening a session titled “Towards a Common Water Accounting Framework for Better Investment Decisions” with the UN Global Compact CEO Water Mandate and World Resources Institute on September 9th at the Palais des Congrès de Paris (to be confirmed).

Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Dr. Amy Herod and Senior Researcher Karina de Souza will both present at the session. The session will give institutional investors an opportunity to provide feedback and shape the scope of an initiative to develop a simple common water accounting framework which can be applied by all water users, in all water contexts – including business, water utilities, cities and communities.

There remains no simple, consistent method for all stakeholders to communicate their water needs and practices, leading to misunderstanding and misalignment. Simple and consistent water accounts are also fundamental to many broader initiatives focused on managing water risks and demonstrating water investment returns – e.g. climate scenario modeling, corporate disclosure and TCFD and measuring progress towards the SDGs.

This session is an opportunity for the investor community to provide feedback and shape the scope of this initiative in its formative stages. The Pacific Institute is co-secretariat of the CEO Water Mandate, a UN Global Compact initiative that mobilizes business leaders on water, sanitation, and the Sustainable Development Goals. Endorsers of the CEO Water Mandate commit to continuous progress against six core elements of stewardship and in so doing understand and manage their own water risks.

The session will take place on Wednesday, September 11th 2019 from 13:00 until 14:10 at Palais des Congrès de Paris in Paris (to be confirmed).

Learn more here.

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