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1402 Resources

Featured in Desert Sun

10 Questions About the 11 Proposals to Save the Salton Sea

April 16, 2018 | news

When a City Runs Dry: What Cape Town Can Tell Us About the Future of Water

April 13, 2018 | video

Join Heather Cooley from the Pacific Institute and Newsha Ajami from Stanford University’s Water in the West program as they discuss Cape Town’s water shortage.

Featured in Desert Sun

Celebrated Momentum Fades at the Salton Sea

March 31, 2018 | news

Collective Action Toward Water Security in Brazil

March 23, 2018 | post

Brazil’s water basins hold 12% of the world’s freshwater, yet the country continues to face serious water challenges, with multiple effects on people, environment, and the economy. Brazil estimates that close to 35 million citizens lack access to safe water, while 100 million lack access to appropriate sanitation.

Featured in National Geographic

From Not Enough to Too Much, the World’s Water Crisis Explained

March 22, 2018 | news

Featured in Green Biz

We Need Far More Than a Day Dedicated to Water Issues

March 22, 2018 | news

Featured in The Week

Can the Salton Sea be Saved?

March 20, 2018 | news

Featured in San Francisco Chronicle

$10 Million Coming to Bay Area Desalination Project; But It’s Not on the Ocean

March 16, 2018 | news

Featured in Mother Jones

This is What a West Without Water Will Look Like

March 15, 2018 | news

Featured in Desert Report

Can Importing Water From The Gulf Of California Save The Salton Sea?

March 11, 2018 | news

The World’s Water, Volume 9

February 28, 2018 | publication

The newest volume in this highly regarded series, The World’s Water, Volume 9 continues to offer insights into critical global water problems, overviews of data and analysis around water use and management, and case studies of some of the greatest water challenges around the world.

Featured in KQED

Study: Climate Change Threatens Major Crops in California

February 27, 2018 | news

Featured in Rolling Stone

Welcome to the Age of Climate Migration

February 25, 2018 | news

Featured in the Bulletin

Day Zero: Lessons from Cape Town’s Crisis

February 16, 2018 | news

Featured in Japan Times

For the Growing Global Water Crisis, Climate Change May be the Last Straw

February 15, 2018 | news

Featured in the Mercury News

California Drought: Water Conservation Slipping Statewide as Dry Weather Returns

February 12, 2018 | news

Op-Ed by Peter Gleick: We Have Seen The Future Of Water, And It Is Cape Town

February 9, 2018 | publication

Cape Town is parched. Severe drought and high water use have collided in South Africa’s second largest city, and unless the drought breaks, residents may run out of water in the next few months when there simply isn’t enough water left to supply the drinking water taps.

Commentary: Cape Town Is Running out of Water. Could More Cities Be Next?

February 7, 2018 | publication

After more than three years of severe drought, Cape Town, a city of nearly 4 million people, is running out of water. “Day Zero”—the day city officials estimate the water system will be unable to provide drinking water for the taps—is less than three months away, and substantial rains are not expected before then.

Featured in LA Curbed

Cape Town is Running Out of Water. Is Los Angeles Next?

February 6, 2018 | news

Water is Connected to Every Major Global Risk We Face

February 2, 2018 | post

Water crises have been among the top five global risks in each of the last seven years, according to the World Economic Forum (WEF). This year is no exception.

Featured in Mercury News

California Water: Desalination Projects Move Forward with New State Funding

January 30, 2018 | news

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