1417 Resources
Climate Change Impacts to Water and Sanitation for Frontline Communities in the United States: Water, Sanitation, and Climate Change in the United States, Part 1
January 30, 2024 | publication
The Pacific Institute and DigDeep in collaboration with the Center for Water Security and Cooperation, presents the first report in a series titled “Water, Sanitation, and Climate Change in the United States.”
January 2024 Newsletter
January 26, 2024 | announcement
The monthly newsletter features the Pacific Institute’s research, publications, news about past and upcoming Institute staff outreach efforts, and media coverage of its work and analysis.
The Environmental Toll In Gaza Will Endanger Residents Long After War’s End
January 4, 2024 | news
December 2023 Newsletter
December 22, 2023 | announcement
The monthly newsletter features the Pacific Institute’s research, publications, news about past and upcoming Institute staff outreach efforts, and media coverage of its work and analysis.
California Prepares to Transform Sewage Into Pure Drinking Water Under New Rules
December 17, 2023 | news
Water and Warfare: The Battle to Control a Precious Resource
December 14, 2023 | news
Addressing Impediments and Incentives for Agricultural Reuse
December 13, 2023 | publication
Water systems across the United States are facing unprecedented levels of stress arising from challenges, such as a changing climate, aging infrastructure, and shifting patterns of water supply and demand. Agricultural water reuse has the potential to increase the resilience of water and agricultural systems through benefits. such as supply diversification, access to an additional water supply, nutrient management, and compliance with water quality permits. However, realization of these benefits and scaling reuse are hindered by broad ranging, but surmountable barriers and tradeoffs.
Could a 550-Mile Pipeline From the Ocean Save the Great Salt Lake? Scientists Say Probably Not
December 12, 2023 | news
Why Scientists Aren’t Sold on an Idea to Pipe Ocean Water to the Great Salt Lake
December 7, 2023 | news
European Space Agency and CEO Water Mandate Use Space-Based Data to Monitor 100 of the World’s Most Water-Stressed Basins
December 4, 2023 | announcement
European Space Agency (ESA) and CEO Water Mandate announced today the selection of the first batch of pilot projects which aim to advance the digital monitoring of 100 of the world’s most water-stressed basins. The announcement demonstrates the progress made so far in this collaboration which is focused on addressing urgent water challenges.
November 2023 Newsletter
November 30, 2023 | announcement
The monthly newsletter features the Pacific Institute’s research, publications, news about past and upcoming Institute staff outreach efforts, and media coverage of its work and analysis.
Climate Change and Flooding in Central Appalachia
November 30, 2023 | publication
Communities in rural Appalachia face multiple water challenges that climate change is already impacting. These include extreme flooding events, lack of household water access, poor water quality, and lack of wastewater services.
Russia and Israel Lead Global Surge in Attacks on Civilian Water Supplies
November 15, 2023 | news
Violence over Water Increases Globally According to New Data from Pacific Institute Water Conflict Chronology
November 15, 2023 | announcement
Oakland, California, November 15, 2023 – The Pacific Institute, a global water think tank, today released a major update to its Water Conflict Chronology, adding over 350 new instances of conflicts associated with water resources and water systems identified from news reports, eyewitness accounts, and other conflict databases.
A Look Back at United Nations General Assembly Week in New York, a Key Moment to Mobilize the Private Sector on Water-Climate Resilience
October 27, 2023 | post
The Pacific Institute, at its core, works towards creating and advancing solutions to the world’s most pressing water challenges. The urgency need for this work was prominently underscored during the 78th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) week in New York City in September.
Pathways and Barriers to Corporate Water Stewardship in the Colorado River Basin
October 24, 2023 | publication
Spanning across seven US states and two Mexican states, the Colorado River – often referred to as the lifeblood of the American West – nourishes ecosystems, communities, farms, cities, and 30 Native American tribes. Yet, a 23-year drought, over-allocation of water, and climate change contribute to a structural deficit, threatening the tribes, ecosystems, and communities within its basin.
October 2023 Newsletter
October 18, 2023 | announcement
The monthly newsletter features the Pacific Institute’s research, publications, news about past and upcoming Institute staff outreach efforts, and media coverage of its work and analysis. This month's newsletter features UNGA highlights, a new Salton Sea library, and more.
Water Resilience Coalition and WaterAid Joined by Gap Inc., Cargill, and GSK to Improve Access to Water in India as Part of the Coalition’s 2030 100-Basin Plan
October 17, 2023 | announcement
New York, New York, October 17, 2023 –The Water Resilience Coalition (WRC), an industry-driven, CEO-led initiative convening global companies to address the global water crisis, today announced the launch of the Women + Water Collaborative, a flagship corporate collective action program to improve access to clean water and sanitation in India.
California’s Private Sector Leaders Convene to Launch the California Water Resilience Initiative
October 11, 2023 | announcement
Sacramento, California - Aligned with Gov. Newsom’s 2022 Water Supply Strategy, key public and private sector leaders convened today in Sacramento to launch the California Water Resilience Initiative, a private sector initiative to accelerate coordinated, collective action to achieve a water-resilient future for California, in alignment with public sector goals.
La Ciencia y el Salton Sea
October 4, 2023 | video
El Estado de California está trabajando para mejorar las condiciones alrededor del Salton Sea, con el objetivo de construir 30,000 acres de proyectos para suprimir el polvo del lecho expuesto del lago y crear un hábitat para peces y aves y desarrollar un plan a largo plazo para el lago. Este seminario web explorará el papel de la ciencia en los esfuerzos de planificación y gestión de la restauración del Salton Sea del estado, respondiendo preguntas sobre cómo la ciencia informa el Programa de Gestión del Salton Sea y cómo se aplica la ciencia para construir y gestionar proyectos de restauración mientras se cumplen los hitos regulatorios. El seminario web incluirá una presentación de Utah sobre cómo la ciencia está informando los esfuerzos de manejo de la vida silvestre en el Great Salt Lake y lo que California podría aprender de su experiencia.
Science and the Salton Sea
October 4, 2023 | video
The State of California is working to improve conditions around the Salton Sea, with the goal of constructing 30,000 acres of projects to suppress dust from exposed lakebed and create habitat for fish and birds and developing a long-term plan for the Sea. This webinar will explore the role of science in the state’s Salton Sea restoration planning and management efforts, answering questions of how science informs the Salton Sea Management Program and how science is applied to build and manage restoration projects while meeting regulatory milestones. The webinar will include a presentation from Utah on how science is informing wildlife management efforts at the Great Salt Lake and what California might learn from their experience.
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