Water Rates: Water Affordability – Issue Brief

Water Rates: Water Affordability – Issue Brief
Water rates in the United States are not typically understood as a human rights issue, but utility bills can be an exceptional burden for low income households. Water rates that cost more than one and a half to three percent of household income can prevent individuals and families from accessing water for basic needs. When affordability impedes individuals’ ability to access water, it can significantly impact public health. There are many ways utility companies can implement affordability measures for low-income households, such as implementing budget billing, enacting late fee forgiveness, and finding alternatives to rate-based revenue sources. This fact sheet provides information on water rate affordability measures, as well as successful water affordability programs in California.
PowerPoint Presentations from the Workshops on Water Rates and Finances: Tools for Success: Forecasting Water Demand Water Rate Affordability in California A Public Goods Charge for Water Conservation Rates: Sensible Pricing for Water in the Cal Am Settlement Consumption-Based Fixed Revenue Capital Finance Overview: Dealing with the New Norm Innovative Agricultural Rate Structure Modification of Water Rates 2011: City of Napa Stories from the Field: Practice and Politics of Rate Setting in the Real World Water Demand Forecast Model: Seattle Public Utilities
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