Sustainability Standards and Public Governance

Sustainability Standards and Public Governance
An emerging theme of the framing project from its inception in 2009 was the growing awareness of the significance and complexity of the interactions between voluntary, non-governmental sustainability standards and national and international governance, raising fundamental questions about standards development, use, legitimacy and sustainability. It became increasingly clear as the project progressed that understanding, and if possible resolving these questions could be a pre-requisite to achieving broad support for sustainability standards from policy makers and many civil society organizations. In response, The Pacific Institute carried out a comprehensive review of the literature on the subject and commissioned the Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development to analyse the issues and make preliminary recommendations. The literature review by Pacific Institute Research Associate Mai-Lan Ha takes a critical look at the literature that has developed over the last twenty years or so, covering the relationship between private voluntary social and environmental standards (PVSES) and public governance. The review considers: The complete review can be downloaded at the bottom of this page. The review and analysis by the Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development builds on the literature review and explores the relationship between PVSES and public governance in greater detail. The review finds that the standards community has paid significant attention to the ideas of ‘filling governance gaps’ with standards, and then ensuring that the standards themselves are governed ‘well’ or in line with ideas of ‘good governance’. However, the rapid evolution and take-up of environmental and social standards in the marketplace itself has knock-on effects upon the behaviour of and policy options available to governments, and impacts more widely on public governance. This aspect of a ‘governance framing’ of standards is currently very underdeveloped. The paper proposes that consideration of ‘good governance of standards’, ‘standards asgovernance’ and ‘standards to fill governance gaps’ are not sufficient on their own to ensure that standards do not inadvertently weaken ‘good public governance’. Additional attention is needed. Perhaps the key, innovative output of the work is the development of eleven suggested ‘principles’ to guide the sustainability standards movement in its interactions with formal governmental institutions. These principles are highly preliminary. The intention is that, if followed, they would help ensure that sustainability standards strengthen, and do not undermine, good public governance. The eleven draft principles are presented below, with the hope that they may seed further discussion. The complete paper can be downloaded from the bottom of this page.
a) Literature Review
b) Analysis and Development of ‘Principles for Standards-Setters’
Eleven DRAFT Principles for Voluntary Sustainability Standards and Public Policy
Overarching principles:
Assess and review