Assessing The Costs Of Adapting to Sea-Level Rise: A Case Study of San Francisco Bay

Assessing The Costs Of Adapting to Sea-Level Rise: A Case Study of San Francisco Bay

Published: April 1990

Authors: Peter Gleick and Edwin Maurer

Pages: 97

Assessing The Costs Of Adapting to Sea-Level Rise: A Case Study of San Francisco Bay


Across the United States, coastal communities are grappling with crumbling infrastructure, flooded businesses, and overflowing sewers as a result of climate change-induced sea-level rise. The value of property threatened by sea-level rise around the San Francisco Bay is particularly high. Published in 1990, this study presents useful methods for assessing the potential costs of protecting against sea-level rise. The report applies this method to the San Francisco Bay Area, exploring structural options and costs for protecting property in threatened areas.


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