Water Storage Investment Program Technical Reference
Water Storage Investment Program Technical Reference details the methodology for quantifying the co-benefits or adverse impacts of water storage projects …
Water Storage Investment Program Technical Reference details the methodology for quantifying the co-benefits or adverse impacts of water storage projects …
Using economic valuation techniques to inform water resources management presents a non-technical introduction to the economic valuation techniques of changes …
The Economic Benefits of Multipurpose Reservoirs in the United States-Federal Hydropower Fleet estimates the economic benefits of multipurpose hydropower reservoirs …
The Economic Benefits of Multipurpose Reservoirs in the United States-Federal Hydropower Fleet MORE
Living Streets Economic Feasibility Report presents an alternate, new paradigm to guide the future of street and sidewalk infrastructure design …
Living Streets Economic Feasibility Project: Final Report MORE
Life-cycle cost-benefit analysis of extensive vegetated roof systems assesses the benefits and costs of green roofs from a pilot study …
Life-cycle cost-benefit analysis of extensive vegetated roof systems MORE