Sea-Level Rise Maps
Google Map
Interactive online map showing the coastal flood and erosion hazard zones from our study. You can also display the location and attributes of health-care facilities, schools, fire and police stations, wastewater plants, and EPA-listed facilities that are vulnerable to coastal flooding. |
Hazard Maps

Downloadable PDF maps showing the coastal flood and erosion hazard zones from our study. Data are overlayed on aerial photographs and show major roads. These maps use the quadrangle names and boundaries as US Geological Survey 7.5-minute topographic maps. The maps are 1:24,000 scale when printed at full
size, 17” x 22.” |
Thematic Maps

Downloadable PDF maps from our study that allow you to visualize the impacts of sea level rise on the California Coast. Key impacts featured here include population and property at risk, miles of vulnerable roads and railroads, vulnerable power plants and wastewater treatment plants, and wetland migration potential. |
This information is being made available for informational purposes only. Users of this information agree by their use to hold blameless the State of California, and its respective officers, employees, agents, contractors, and subcontractors for any liability associated with its use in any form. This work shall not be used to assess actual coastal hazards, insurance requirements, or property values and specifically shall not be used in lieu of Flood Insurance Studies and Flood Insurance Rate Maps issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).