California Coastal Zone

California's "Coastal zone" is the land and water area from Oregon to Mexico, for which activities and land uses are governed by Coastal Zone Management Act. This area falls under the jurisdiction of Local Coastal Plans and the California Coastal Commission.

This data depicts the California Coastal Commission's Coastal Zone Boundary for the State of California. It was digitized within AutoCAD from the Commission's certified Coastal Zone Boundary hard copy maps. The files were then imported into ArcView, and merged together following Commission jurisdictional boundaries (North Coast, North Central Coast, Central Coast, South Central Coast, South Coast, and San Diego). The line work was originally georeferenced to the USGS Digital Raster Graphics (DRG) in Teale Albers projection. The data was later refined to the DRGs in UTM, Zones 10 and 11, NAD 83 meters.

Information on Digital Coastal Zone Boundaries:

The boundary depicted in the attached file ('s) was digitized from the official 1:24,000 scale Coastal Zone Boundary maps, however, there are several important points to note about its use. The digital Coastal Zone Boundaries have not been adopted by the Commission, and do not supersede the official version of the Coastal Zone Boundary adopted by the Coastal Commission in March 1977 and amended from time to time since then.


The State of California and the Coastal Commission make no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of the attached files or the data from which it was derived. Neither the State nor the Commission shall be liable under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages with respect to any claim by any user or any third party on account of or arising from the use of this Coastal Zone Boundary files or the data from which it was derived. Because the files are merely representational, it and the data from which it was derived are not binding on the Commission and may be revised at any time in the future.

More information can be found on the California Coastal Commission website,

Created by the Pacific Institute, 2009.